RedHat Operator Bundle certification process

This document outlines certification process for OLM bundle submission for RedHat Marketplace. It is based on Red Hat Software Certification Workflow Guide.

Below process outlines full setup for certification.


  1. GitHub account is required.

    1. personal account could be used
    2. service account (like gl-distribution-oc) can be used
      1. SSH key pair is necessary for proper operation

      2. for convenience can be used (replace gldoc_github with our key name):

        Copy to clipboard
         export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ${OC_SSH_KEYFILE} -o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
         exec $@
  2. pre-requisites:

    1. task
    2. operator-sdk
    3. yq
    4. opm

Provision OpenShift cluster

Please check existing clusters - perhaps one have already been set up.

Existing OpenShift cluster is required. If using already provisioned OpenShift cluster adjust steps accordingly. Required components to be installed in cluster:

  • cert-manager (Operator Requirement)
  • OpenShift Pipelines (Certification pipeline requirement)
  • (optional) external-dns (It is required in CI)

OpenShift-provisioning pipeline

One way to provision a new OpenShift cluster is using OpenShift-provisioning pipeline

Pipeline creates convenient artifact that includes auth information for cluster as well as all necessary binaries. Download Zip file for the artifact produced by deploy_cluster job and extract it into some convenient location (${HOME}/mycluster)

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Manual provisioning

Follow OpenShift installation documentation to provision new cluster. Make sure to extract and preserve:

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Fork repo

You’ll need to fork one of:

for the current GitHub user.

Use GitHub UI to create a fork

Create Deploy Keys

Create SSH key pair with empty passphrase:

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ssh-keygen -f certified-operators-key

for forked repo create Deploy Keys (Settings/Deploy keys/Add new for the repo)

and add

Setup environment

Using some of the settings above and settings we’ll need later, it may be useful to create a my.env file for shell setup:

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# Pipeline
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/secure/location/kubeconfig

export OC=${CLUSTER_DIR}/bin/oc-x.y.z
export TKN=${CLUSTER_DIR}/bin/tkn

# Generate Pyxis API key in RH Connect portal, or locate one in
# 1Password (operator-secrets.yaml)
export PYXIS_API_KEY_FILE=pyxis-key-operator-bundle.txt

# Deployment key for the forked repo (see "Fork repo" section)
# alternatively, is using 'gl-distribution-oc' - obtain from
# 1Password (GitHub Operator Certification deploy key)
export SSH_KEY_FILE=gl-distribution-oc/gl-distribution-oc-deploy

# GitHub API key for the forked repo (see "Fork repo" section)
# alternatively, is using 'gl-distribution-oc' - obtain from
# 1Pasword (GitHub Operator Certification API token)
export GITHUB_TOKEN_FILE=gl-distribution-oc/gh-token.txt

# Below section is written assuming 'gl-distribution-oc' GitHub user
# if using different GitHub account - adjust accordingly
export GIT_USERNAME="gl-distribution-oc"
export GIT_EMAIL=""
export GIT_BRANCH="gitlab-operator-kubernetes-${VERSION}"

# Path within upstream repo to operator bundle
export OPERATOR_BUNDLE_PATH="operators/gitlab-operator-kubernetes/${VERSION}"

NOTE we’re using gl-distribution-oc user here by default, if you’re attempting to set up with different user - please adjust above settings accordingly

before executing any of the following commands, make sure to source my.env file:

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source my.env

Setup OpenShift cluster

Copy to clipboard
redhat/operator-certification/scripts/ \

redhat/operator-certification/scripts/ create_manifest \

Setup repo

Create API token (PAT)

In GitHub navigate to profile settings Developer settings/Personal access tokens and generate a new (“classic”) one with scope repo. Save it to a local file in secure location (${HOME}/secure/github_api_token.txt)

NOTE this token as access to all of GitHub user’s repos at this point.

Clone repo

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pushd ${REPO_HOME}
git clone<YOUR-GITHUB-ACCOUNT>/certified-operators.git
git checkout -b gitlab-operator-kubernetes-${VERSION}

add to your environment CATALOG_REPO_CLONE for future references:

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export CATALOG_REPO_CLONE=${REPO_HOME}/certified-operators

Setup Project in RedHat Connect portal

Navigate to Gitlab Operator Bundle, Open Settings tab.

Add GitHub user to Authorized GitHub user accounts

Setup pipeline


  • Provisioned OpenShift cluster you should have:
    • associated kubeconfig file ($KUBECONFIG)
    • associated tkn binary ($TKN)
    • associated oc binary ($OC)
    • 1Password: look for GitHub API token
  • Pyxis API Token ($PYXIS_API_KEY_FILE) obtained from RedHat
    • 1Password: has to be extracted from operator-secrets.yaml
  • SSH Key pair ($SSH_KEY_FILE - private key file)
    • Added as “deployment key” to forked project
    • 1Password: look for GitHub Deploy key

NOTE make sure files $GITHUB_TOKEN_FILE and $PYXIS_API_KEY_FILE do not contain newline character (0x0a at the end of the file):

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then execute create secrets and install pipeline:

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GITHUB_TOKEN_FILE=/path/to/github_token.txt \
  PYXIS_API_KEY_FILE=/path/to/pyxis_api_key.txt \
  SSH_KEY_FILE=/path/to/certified-operators-key \
  KUBECONFIG="${BASEDIR}/auth/kubeconfig" \
  redhat/operator-certification/scripts/ create_secrets install_pipeline_automated create_workspace_template

Generate bundle

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OSDK_BASE_DIR=".build/cert" \
    DOCKER="podman" \
    scripts/ build_manifests generate_bundle patch_bundle

Properly annotate bundle for submission

Copy to clipboard PREVIOUS_OPERATOR_VERSION="x.y.z" \
    redhat/operator-certification/scripts/ adjust_annotations adjust_csv

Copy & Push changes into the forked repo

At this point one needs to copy bundle to it’s new location (you’ll need value of CATALOG_REPO_CLONE from fork repo):

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cp -r .build/cert/bundle ${CATALOG_REPO_CLONE}/operators/gitlab-operator-kubernetes/${VERSION}
( cd ${CATALOG_REPO_CLONE} && git add operators/gitlab-operator-kubernetes/${VERSION} \
   && git commit -am "Add gitlab-operator-${VERSION}" \
   && git push origin gitlab-operator-kubernetes-${VERSION})

Run certification pipeline

GitHub Username and email will need to be obtained for this step and used respectively in GIT_USERNAME and GIT_EMAIL

Copy to clipboard
redhat/operator-certification/scripts/ \

this will create upstream PR and open submission in RH portal

NOTE if you are getting

Copy to clipboard
ValueError: Invalid header value b'Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n'

in the output - likely one of the Secrets contains unwanted newline: pyxis-api-secret or github-api-token context of the error should help determine which one.


it is a good idea to delete person-centric secrets after pipeline has been completed:

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redhat/operator-certification/scripts/ cleanup_secrets