How to publish to is a home for the Kubernetes community to share Operators.

The following process is partially automated in scripts/tools/ You can use ${VERSION} operatorhub to run this process. For more details see the script documentation.

To publish the GitLab Operator to OperatorHub:

  1. Fork the community-operators repository.

  2. Clone the forked community-operators repository:

    • If the fork was freshly created:

      Copy to clipboard
      git clone -o mine<your_github_username>/community-operators.git
      cd community-operators
      git remote add upstream
    • If this is a subsequent update to the already created fork:

      Copy to clipboard
      cd community-operators
      git fetch --all
      git checkout main
      git rebase -i upstream/main
  3. Set up your shell:

    Copy to clipboard
    # Published Operator Image tag
    export OPERATOR_TAG="0.3.1"
    # Version that we're going to apply to OLM
    export OPERATORHUB_DIR="${HOME}/work/community-operators"
    export OPERATORHUB_NAME="gitlab-operator-kubernetes"
    export OSDK_BASE_DIR=".build/operatorhub-io"
    # Optional
    # point to local instance of "yq" binary:
    export YQ="yq-go"
  4. Create a new branch of

    Copy to clipboard
    git checkout -B gitlab-release-${OPERATOR_TAG}
  5. Edit config/manifests/bases/gitlab-operator-kubernetes.clusterserviceversion.yaml under metadata.annotations.alm-examples to refer to a valid chart version that this version of Operator ships with.

  6. Test Operator bundle in local KinD cluster:

    1. BUNDLE_REGISTRY has to point to a valid public registry (create your own project/registry for that purpose):

      Copy to clipboard
    2. podman (or docker) has to be logged into BUNDLE_REGISTRY

    Note that we’re temporarily overriding previously set values to have Kind-Specific bundle etc.

    Copy to clipboard
    OSDK_BASE_DIR=".build/operatortest1" KIND_CLUSTER_NAME="optest1" BUNDLE_IMAGE_TAG="beta1" DOCKER="podman" OPERATOR_TAG=0.6.0 KIND_CONFIG="${HOME}/work/gitlab/examples/kind/kind-ssl.yaml" KIND_IMAGE="kindest/node:v1.25.9" scripts/ step1 step2
    1. Wait for the packagemanifest for gitlab-operator-kubernetes to become available (note that we skip over Community Operators):

      Copy to clipboard
      $ kubectl get packagemanifests | grep -F gitlab | grep -vF "Community Operators"
      gitlab-operator-kubernetes                                       48m
    2. Deploy Operator (to avoid manually approving install we’ll set AUTO_UPGRADE="true"):

      Copy to clipboard
      OSDK_BASE_DIR=".build/operatortest1" AUTO_UPGRADE="true" scripts/ step3
    3. Create IngressClass:

      Copy to clipboard
      cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
      kind: IngressClass
        # Ensure this value matches ``
        # in the GitLab CR on the next step.
        name: gitlab-nginx
    4. Deploy GitLab (values need to be customized to your setup):

      Copy to clipboard
      KIND_CLUSTER_NAME="optest1" GITLAB_CR_DEPLOPOY_MODE="ss" LOCAL_IP= GITLAB_CHART_DIR=~/work/gitlab GITLAB_OPERATOR_DIR=. scripts/  deploy_gitlab
    5. Delete KinD cluster:

      Copy to clipboard
      kind delete cluster --name=${KIND_CLUSTER_NAME}
  7. Test OLM bundle upgrade

    1. Reuse variables used in testing (see above):

      Copy to clipboard
      export BUNDLE_IMAGE_TAG="beta1"
      export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME="optest1u"
      export KIND_CONFIG="${HOME}/work/gitlab/examples/kind/kind-ssl.yaml" 
      export KIND_IMAGE="kindest/node:v1.25.9"
    2. Make sure to create NEW KinD cluster:

      Copy to clipboard
      scripts/ initialize_kind install_olm create_namespace
    3. At this point you should have bundle for the “test” version published at ${BUNDLE_REGISTRY}:${BUNDLE_IMAGE_TAG} (if not - follow “Test Operator bundle in local KinD cluster” ) assuming previous release was 0.3.1, we will create catalog for testing (note catalog tag beta1u differs from catalog tag published earlier - beta1):

      Copy to clipboard
      export CATALOG_IMAGE_TAG="beta1u"
      opm index add -p docker \
         --mode semver \
         --tag ${BUNDLE_REGISTRY}/gitlab-operator-catalog:${CATALOG_IMAGE_TAG}
      podman push ${BUNDLE_REGISTRY}/gitlab-operator-catalog:${CATALOG_IMAGE_TAG}
    4. deploy CatalogSource and OperatorGroup in preparation for operator deployment:

      Copy to clipboard
      OSDK_BASE_DIR=".build/operatortest1" scripts/ deploy_catalogsource
      OSDK_BASE_DIR=".build/operatortest1" scripts/ deploy_operatorgroup 
    5. wait for the PackageManifest:

      Copy to clipboard
      kubectl get packagemanifests | grep -F gitlab | grep -vF "Community Operators"
    6. deploy Subscription:

      Copy to clipboard
      # deploy previous release
      OSDK_BASE_DIR=".build/operatortest1" OLM_PACKAGE_VERSION=${PREVIOUS_BUNDLE_VERSION} scripts/ deploy_subscription 
    7. locate InstallPlan:

      Copy to clipboard
      $ kubectl get installplans -A
      NAMESPACE       NAME            CSV                                 APPROVAL   APPROVED
      gitlab-system   install-jfqrb   gitlab-operator-kubernetes.v0.3.1   Manual     false
    8. approve InstallPlan:

      Copy to clipboard
      kubectl -n gitlab-system patch installplan install-jfqrb -p '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' --type merge

      this should trigger automatical creation of a new install plan for the current version ( 0.6.1 ):

      Copy to clipboard
      $ kubectl get installplans -A
      NAMESPACE       NAME            CSV                                 APPROVAL   APPROVED
      gitlab-system   install-4dvgh   gitlab-operator-kubernetes.v0.6.1   Manual     false
      gitlab-system   install-jfqrb   gitlab-operator-kubernetes.v0.3.1   Manual     true
    9. approve upgrade:

      Copy to clipboard
      kubectl -n gitlab-system patch installplan install-4dvgh -p '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' --type merge
    10. Delete KinD cluster:

      Copy to clipboard
      kind delete cluster --name=${KIND_CLUSTER_NAME}
  8. Create the Operator bundle

    Copy to clipboard
    # assemble bundle
    scripts/ build_manifests generate_bundle patch_bundle
    # validate bundle
    scripts/ validate_bundle
  9. Copy bundle files to the right location:

    Copy to clipboard
  10. Add and commit (with sign) your changes:

    Copy to clipboard
    git add operators/${OPERATOR_HUB_NAME}/${OLM_PACKAGE_VERSION}
    git commit -s
  11. Push your branch to your fork and create a pull request upstream. Wait for approval from GitLab team members and/or OperatorHub reviewers before the merge is completed.