GitLab Rails Console Cheat Sheet
Offering: GitLab Self-Managed
This was the GitLab Support Team’s collection of information regarding the GitLab Rails console, for use while troubleshooting. It is listed here for posterity, as most content has been moved to feature-specific troubleshooting pages and sections, see epic &8147. You may want to update your bookmarks accordingly.
If you are currently having an issue with GitLab, it is highly recommended that you first check our guide on the Rails console, and your support options, before attempting the information pointed to from here.
Find mirrors with “bad decrypt” errors
This content has been converted to a Rake task, see verify database values can be decrypted using the current secrets.
Transfer mirror users and tokens to a single service account
This content has been moved to Troubleshooting Repository mirroring.
Merge requests
This content has been moved to CI/CD maintenance.
This content has been moved to Activate GitLab EE with a license file or key.
Registry Disk Space Usage by Project
Find this content in the container registry troubleshooting documentation.
Run the Cleanup policy now
Find this content in the container registry troubleshooting documentation.
This content has been moved to Troubleshooting Sidekiq.
Reverify all uploads (or any SSF data type which is verified)
Moved to Geo replication troubleshooting.
Moved to Geo replication troubleshooting.
Repository verification failures
Moved to Geo replication troubleshooting.
Resync repositories
Moved to Geo replication troubleshooting - Resync repository types.
Moved to Geo replication troubleshooting - Resync project and project wiki repositories.
Blob types
Moved to Geo replication troubleshooting.
Generate Service Ping
This content has been moved to Service Ping Troubleshooting.