Deprecations and removals contribute


Deprecated features are features that are still supported, but are scheduled for removal in a later milestone. The chart’s NOTES.txt checks for enabled deprecated features and displays an informational message if found.

Considerations in detection

You should be careful not to assume that a key, or parent key will exist. Judicious application of if, hasKey, and empty are strongly recommended. It is just as likely for a single key to be present as it is for the entire property map to be missing several branches before that key. Helm will complain if you attempt to access a property that does not exist within the map structure, generally in a vague manor. Save time, be explicit.

Message format

All messages should have the following format:

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  • The if statement preceding the message should not trim the newline after it (}} not -}}). This ensures proper formatting, and readability for the user.
  • The message should declare the chart, relative to the global chart, that is affected. This helps the user understand where the property came from in the charts, and configuration properties. Example: gitlab.webservice, minio, registry.
  • The message should inform the user of the property that has been altered / relocated / deprecated, and what action should be taken. Name the property relative to the affected chart. For example, gitlab.webservice.minio.enabled would be referenced as minio.enabled because the chart affected by the deprecation is gitlab.webservice.

Example message:

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    Chart-local configuration of Minio features has been moved to global. Please remove `gitlab.webservice.minio.enabled` from your properties, and set `global.minio.enabled` instead.


After a deprecated feature is removed, the deprecation message is moved to a removal template. If a removed feature is enabled, the helm upgrade will be blocked.

General concept

  1. The last item in templates/NOTES.txt includes the gitlab.removals template from templates/_removals.tpl.
  2. The gitlab.removals template includes further templates in the same file, collecting their outputs (strings) into a list.
  3. Each individual template handles detection of now errant configuration, and outputs messages informing the user of how to address the change, or outputs nothing.
  4. The gitlab.removals template checks if any messages were collected. If any messages were, it outputs them under a header of REMOVALS: using the fail function.
  5. The fail function results in the termination of the deployment process, preventing the user from deploying with a broken configuration.

Template naming

Templates defined within, and used with this pattern should follow the naming convention of gitlab.removal.*. Replace * here with an informative name, such as rails.appConfig or to denote what this deprecation is related to.

Activating new removals

After a template has been defined, and logic placed in it for the detection of affected properties, activate the new template by adding a line beneath add templates here in the gitlab.removals template, according to the format presented.