Deploy Development Branch contribute

First ensure that your development environment is set up for charts development. See the Development environment setup page for instructions.

Clone the repository, and checkout the branch you want to deploy:

Copy to clipboard
git clone
git checkout <BRANCH_NAME>

Note that you can test changes to external dependencies by modifying requirements.yaml.

It is possible to test external dependencies using a local repository. Use file://PATH_TO_DEPENDENCY_REPO where the path may be relative to the chart path or absolute. For example, if using /home/USER/charts/gitlab as the main checkout and /home/USER/charts/gitlab-runner, the relative path would be file://../gitlab-runner/ and the absolute path would be file:///home/USER/charts/gitlab-runner/. Pay close attention with absolute paths as it is very easy to miss the leading slash on the file path.

Other steps from the installation documentation still apply. The difference is when deploying a development branch, you need to add additional upstream repositories and update the local dependencies, then pass the local Git repository location to the Helm command.

From within your Git checkout of the repository, run the following Helm commands to install:

Copy to clipboard
helm dependency update
helm upgrade --install gitlab . \
  --timeout 600s \
  --set global.image.pullPolicy=Always \
  --set \
  --set global.hosts.externalIP= \

Clean up

When testing is complete, follow the uninstall documentation to clean up the development environment.