Using the GitLab Webservice chart

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
Offering: Self-managed

The webservice sub-chart provides the GitLab Rails webserver with two Webservice workers per pod, which is the minimum necessary for a single pod to be able to serve any web request in GitLab.

The pods of this chart make use of two containers: gitlab-workhorse and webservice. GitLab Workhorse listens on port 8181, and should always be the destination for inbound traffic to the pod. The webservice houses the GitLab Rails codebase, listens on 8080, and is accessible for metrics collection purposes. webservice should never receive normal traffic directly.


This chart depends on Redis, PostgreSQL, Gitaly, and Registry services, either as part of the complete GitLab chart or provided as external services reachable from the Kubernetes cluster this chart is deployed onto.


The webservice chart is configured as follows: Global settings, Deployments settings, Ingress settings, External services, and Chart settings.

Installation command line options

The table below contains all the possible chart configurations that can be supplied to the helm install command using the --set flags.

Parameter Default Description
annotations   Pod annotations
podLabels   Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
common.labels   Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds 30 Seconds that Kubernetes will wait for a pod to exit, note this must be longer than shutdown.blackoutSeconds
deployment.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 20 Delay before liveness probe is initiated
deployment.livenessProbe.periodSeconds 60 How often to perform the liveness probe
deployment.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds 30 When the liveness probe times out
deployment.livenessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed
deployment.livenessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the liveness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
deployment.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 0 Delay before readiness probe is initiated
deployment.readinessProbe.periodSeconds 10 How often to perform the readiness probe
deployment.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds 2 When the readiness probe times out
deployment.readinessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed
deployment.readinessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the readiness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
deployment.strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy used by the deployment. When not provided, the cluster default is used.
enabled true Webservice enabled flag
extraContainers   List of extra containers to include
extraInitContainers   List of extra init containers to include
extras.google_analytics_id nil Google Analytics ID for frontend
extraVolumeMounts   List of extra volumes mounts to do
extraVolumes   List of extra volumes to create
extraEnv   List of extra environment variables to expose
extraEnvFrom   List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose
gitlab.webservice.workhorse.image Workhorse image repository
gitlab.webservice.workhorse.tag   Workhorse image tag
hpa.behavior {scaleDown: {stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 }} Behavior contains the specifications for up- and downscaling behavior (requires autoscaling/v2beta2 or higher)
hpa.customMetrics [] Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization)
hpa.cpu.targetType AverageValue Set the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue 1 Set the autoscaling CPU target value
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization   Set the autoscaling CPU target utilization
hpa.memory.targetType   Set the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue   Set the autoscaling memory target value
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization   Set the autoscaling memory target utilization
hpa.targetAverageValue   DEPRECATED Set the autoscaling CPU target value
sshHostKeys.mount false Whether to mount the GitLab Shell secret containing the public SSH keys.
sshHostKeys.mountName ssh-host-keys Name of the mounted volume.
sshHostKeys.types [dsa,rsa,ecdsa,ed25519] List of SSH key types to mount.
image.pullPolicy Always Webservice image pull policy
image.pullSecrets   Secrets for the image repository
image.repository Webservice image repository
image.tag   Webservice image tag
init.image.repository   initContainer image
init.image.tag   initContainer image tag
init.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser 1000 initContainer specific: User ID under which the container should be started
init.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation false initContainer specific: Controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process
init.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot true initContainer specific: Controls whether the container runs with a non-root user
init.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop [ "ALL" ] initContainer specific: Removes Linux capabilities for the container
keda.enabled false Use KEDA ScaledObjects instead of HorizontalPodAutoscalers
keda.pollingInterval 30 The interval to check each trigger on
keda.cooldownPeriod 300 The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0
keda.minReplicaCount   Minimum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource down to, defaults to minReplicas
keda.maxReplicaCount   Maximum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource up to, defaults to maxReplicas
keda.fallback   KEDA fallback configuration, see the documentation
keda.hpaName   The name of the HPA resource KEDA will create, defaults to keda-hpa-{scaled-object-name}
keda.restoreToOriginalReplicaCount   Specifies whether the target resource should be scaled back to original replicas count after the ScaledObject is deleted
keda.behavior   The specifications for up- and downscaling behavior, defaults to hpa.behavior
keda.triggers   List of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource, defaults to triggers computed from hpa.cpu and hpa.memory
metrics.enabled true If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping
metrics.port 8083 Metrics endpoint port
metrics.path /metrics Metrics endpoint path
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled false If a ServiceMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping, note that enabling this removes the scrape annotations
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the ServiceMonitor
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor
metrics.annotations   DEPRECATED Set explicit metrics annotations. Replaced by template content.
metrics.tls.enabled   TLS enabled for the metrics/web_exporter endpoint. Defaults to tls.enabled.
metrics.tls.secretName   Secret for the metrics/web_exporter endpoint TLS cert and key. Defaults to tls.secretName.
minio.bucket git-lfs Name of storage bucket, when using MinIO
minio.port 9000 Port for MinIO service
minio.serviceName minio-svc Name of MinIO service
monitoring.ipWhitelist [] List of IPs to whitelist for the monitoring endpoints
monitoring.exporter.enabled false Enable webserver to expose Prometheus metrics, this is overridden by metrics.enabled if the metrics port is set to the monitoring exporter port
monitoring.exporter.port 8083 Port number to use for the metrics exporter
psql.password.key psql-password Key to psql password in psql secret
psql.password.secret gitlab-postgres psql secret name
psql.port   Set PostgreSQL server port. Takes precedence over global.psql.port
puma.disableWorkerKiller true Disables Puma worker memory killer
puma.workerMaxMemory   The maximum memory (in megabytes) for the Puma worker killer
puma.threads.min 4 The minimum amount of Puma threads
puma.threads.max 4 The maximum amount of Puma threads
rack_attack.git_basic_auth {} See GitLab documentation for details
redis.serviceName redis Redis service name
global.registry.api.port 5000 Registry port
global.registry.api.protocol http Registry protocol
global.registry.api.serviceName registry Registry service name
global.registry.enabled true Add/Remove registry link in all projects menu
global.registry.tokenIssuer gitlab-issuer Registry token issuer
replicaCount 1 Webservice number of replicas
resources.requests.cpu 300m Webservice minimum CPU
resources.requests.memory 1.5G Webservice minimum memory
service.externalPort 8080 Webservice exposed port
securityContext.fsGroup 1000 Group ID under which the pod should be started
securityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID under which the pod should be started
securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy   Policy for changing ownership and permission of the volume (requires Kubernetes 1.23)
securityContext.seccompProfile.type RuntimeDefault Seccomp profile to use
containerSecurityContext   Override container securityContext under which the container is started
containerSecurityContext.runAsUser 1000 Allow to overwrite the specific security context user ID under which the container is started
containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation false Controls whether a process of the Gitaly container can gain more privileges than its parent process
containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot true Controls whether the Gitaly container runs with a non-root user
containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop [ "ALL" ] Removes Linux capabilities for the Gitaly container
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken false Indicates whether or not the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods
serviceAccount.create false Indicates whether or not a ServiceAccount should be created
serviceAccount.enabled false Indicates whether or not to use a ServiceAccount   Name of the ServiceAccount. If not set, the full chart name is used
serviceLabels {} Supplemental service labels
service.internalPort 8080 Webservice internal port
service.type ClusterIP Webservice service type
service.workhorseExternalPort 8181 Workhorse exposed port
service.workhorseInternalPort 8181 Workhorse internal port
service.loadBalancerIP   IP address to assign to LoadBalancer (if supported by cloud provider)
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges   List of IP CIDRs allowed access to LoadBalancer (if supported) Required for service.type = LoadBalancer
shell.authToken.key secret Key to shell token in shell secret
shell.authToken.secret {Release.Name}-gitlab-shell-secret Shell token secret
shell.port nil Port number to use in SSH URLs generated by UI
shutdown.blackoutSeconds 10 Number of seconds to keep Webservice running after receiving shutdown, note this must shorter than deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds
tls.enabled false Webservice TLS enabled
tls.secretName {Release.Name}-webservice-tls Webservice TLS secrets. secretName must point to a Kubernetes TLS secret.
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
trusted_proxies [] See GitLab documentation for details
workhorse.logFormat json Logging format. Valid formats: json, structured, text
workerProcesses 2 Webservice number of workers
workhorse.keywatcher true Subscribe workhorse to Redis. This is required by any deployment servicing request to /api/*, but can be safely disabled for other deployments
workhorse.shutdownTimeout global.webservice.workerTimeout + 1 (seconds) Time to wait for all Web requests to clear from Workhorse. Examples: 1min, 65s.
workhorse.trustedCIDRsForPropagation   A list of CIDR blocks that can be trusted for propagating a correlation ID. The -propagateCorrelationID option must also be used in workhorse.extraArgs for this to work. See the Workhorse documentation for more details.
workhorse.trustedCIDRsForXForwardedFor   A list of CIDR blocks that can be used to resolve the actual client IP via the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. This is used with workhorse.trustedCIDRsForPropagation. See the Workhorse documentation for more details.
workhorse.containerSecurityContext   Override container securityContext under which the container is started
workhorse.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID under which the container should be started
workhorse.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation false Controls whether a process of the container can gain more privileges than its parent process
workhorse.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot true Controls whether the container runs with a non-root user
workhorse.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop [ "ALL" ] Removes Linux capabilities for the Gitaly container
workhorse.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 20 Delay before liveness probe is initiated
workhorse.livenessProbe.periodSeconds 60 How often to perform the liveness probe
workhorse.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds 30 When the liveness probe times out
workhorse.livenessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed
workhorse.livenessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the liveness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
workhorse.monitoring.exporter.enabled false Enable workhorse to expose Prometheus metrics, this is overridden by workhorse.metrics.enabled
workhorse.monitoring.exporter.port 9229 Port number to use for workhorse Prometheus metrics
workhorse.monitoring.exporter.tls.enabled false When set to true, enables TLS on metrics endpoint. It requires TLS to be enabled for Workhorse.
workhorse.metrics.enabled true If a workhorse metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping
workhorse.metrics.port 8083 Workhorse metrics endpoint port
workhorse.metrics.path /metrics Workhorse metrics endpoint path
workhorse.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled false If a ServiceMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the Workhorse metrics scraping
workhorse.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the Workhorse ServiceMonitor
workhorse.metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the Workhorse ServiceMonitor
workhorse.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 0 Delay before readiness probe is initiated
workhorse.readinessProbe.periodSeconds 10 How often to perform the readiness probe
workhorse.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds 2 When the readiness probe times out
workhorse.readinessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed
workhorse.readinessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the readiness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
workhorse.imageScaler.maxProcs 2 The maximum number of image scaling processes that may run concurrently
workhorse.imageScaler.maxFileSizeBytes 250000 The maximum file size in bytes for images to be processed by the scaler
workhorse.tls.verify true When set to true forces NGINX Ingress to verify the TLS certificate of Workhorse. For custom CA you need to set workhorse.tls.caSecretName as well. Must be set to false for self-signed certificates.
workhorse.tls.secretName {Release.Name}-workhorse-tls The name of the TLS Secret that contains the TLS key and certificate pair. This is required when Workhorse TLS is enabled.
workhorse.tls.caSecretName   The name of the Secret that contains the CA certificate. This is not a TLS Secret, and must have only ca.crt key. This is used for TLS verification by NGINX.
webServer puma Selects web server (Webservice/Puma) that would be used for request handling
priorityClassName "" Allow configuring pods priorityClassName, this is used to control pod priority in case of eviction

Chart configuration examples


extraEnv allows you to expose additional environment variables in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnv:

  SOME_KEY: some_value
  SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value

When the container is started, you can confirm that the environment variables are exposed:

env | grep SOME


extraEnvFrom allows you to expose additional environment variables from other data sources in all containers in the pods. Subsequent variables can be overridden per deployment.

Below is an example use of extraEnvFrom:

      fieldPath: spec.nodeName
      containerName: test-container
      resource: requests.cpu
      name: special-secret
      key: special_token
      # optional: boolean
          name: useful-config
          key: some-string
          # optional: boolean


pullSecrets allows you to authenticate to a private registry to pull images for a pod.

Additional details about private registries and their authentication methods can be found in the Kubernetes documentation.

Below is an example use of pullSecrets:

  repository: my.webservice.repository
  pullPolicy: Always
  - name: my-secret-name
  - name: my-secondary-secret-name


This section controls if a ServiceAccount should be created and if the default access token should be mounted in pods.

Name Type Default Description
annotations Map {} ServiceAccount annotations.
automountServiceAccountToken Boolean false Controls if the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods. You should not enable this unless it is required by certain sidecars to work properly (for example, Istio).
create Boolean false Indicates whether or not a ServiceAccount should be created.
enabled Boolean false Indicates whether or not to use a ServiceAccount.
name String   Name of the ServiceAccount. If not set, the full chart name is used.


tolerations allow you schedule pods on tainted worker nodes

Below is an example use of tolerations:

- key: "node_label"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "true"
  effect: "NoSchedule"
- key: "node_label"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "true"
  effect: "NoExecute"


annotations allows you to add annotations to the Webservice pods. For example:

annotations: annotation-value


deployment.strategy allows you to change the deployment update strategy. It defines how the pods will be recreated when deployment is updated. When not provided, the cluster default is used. For example, if you don’t want to create extra pods when the rolling update starts and change max unavailable pods to 50%:

      maxSurge: 0
      maxUnavailable: 50%

You can also change the type of update strategy to Recreate, but be careful as it will kill all pods before scheduling new ones, and the web UI will be unavailable until the new pods are started. In this case, you don’t need to define rollingUpdate, only type:

    type: Recreate

For more details, see the Kubernetes documentation.


A Webservice pod runs two containers:

  • gitlab-workhorse
  • webservice


Workhorse supports TLS for both web and metrics endpoints. This will secure the communication between Workhorse and other components, in particular nginx-ingress, gitlab-shell, and gitaly. The TLS certificate should include the Workhorse Service host name (e.g. RELEASE-webservice-default.default.svc) in the Common Name (CN) or Subject Alternate Name (SAN).

Note that multiple deployments of Webservice can exist, so you need to prepare the TLS certificate for different service names. This can be achieved by either multiple SAN or wildcard certificate.

Once the TLS certificate is generated, create a Kubernetes TLS Secret for it. You also need to create another Secret that only contains the CA certificate of the TLS certificate with ca.crt key.

The TLS can be enabled for gitlab-workhorse container by setting global.workhorse.tls.enabled to true. You can pass custom Secret names to gitlab.webservice.workhorse.tls.secretName and global.certificates.customCAs accordingly.

When gitlab.webservice.workhorse.tls.verify is true (it is by default), you also need to pass the CA certificate Secret name to gitlab.webservice.workhorse.tls.caSecretName. This is necessary for self-signed certificates and custom CA. This Secret is used by NGINX to verify the TLS certificate of Workhorse.

      enabled: true
      - secret: gitlab-workhorse-ca
        verify: true
        # secretName: gitlab-workhorse-tls
        caSecretName: gitlab-workhorse-ca
          enabled: true
            enabled: true

TLS on the metrics endpoints of the gitlab-workhorse container is inherited from global.workhorse.tls.enabled. Note that TLS on metrics endpoint is only available when TLS is enabled for Workhorse. The metrics listener uses the same TLS certificate that is specified by gitlab.webservice.workhorse.tls.secretName.

TLS certificates used for metrics endpoints may require additional considerations for the included subject alternative names (SANs), particularly if using the included Prometheus Helm chart. For more information, see Configure Prometheus to scrape TLS-enabled endpoints.


The primary use case for enabling TLS is to provide encryption via HTTPS for scraping Prometheus metrics.

For Prometheus to scrape the /metrics/ endpoint using HTTPS, additional configuration is required for the certificate’s CommonName attribute or a SubjectAlternativeName entry. See Configuring Prometheus to scrape TLS-enabled endpoints for those requirements.

TLS can be enabled on the webservice container by the settings gitlab.webservice.tls.enabled:

      enabled: true
      # secretName: gitlab-webservice-tls

secretName must point to a Kubernetes TLS secret. For example, to create a TLS secret with a local certificate and key:

kubectl create secret tls <secret name> --cert=path/to/puma.crt --key=path/to/puma.key

Using the Community Edition of this chart

By default, the Helm charts use the Enterprise Edition of GitLab. If desired, you can use the Community Edition instead. Learn more about the differences between the two.

In order to use the Community Edition, set image.repository to and workhorse.image to

Global settings

We share some common global settings among our charts. See the Globals Documentation for common configuration options, such as GitLab and Registry hostnames.

Deployments settings

This chart has the ability to create multiple Deployment objects and their related resources. This feature allows requests to the GitLab application to be distributed between multiple sets of Pods using path based routing.

The keys of this Map (default in this example) are the “name” for each. default will have a Deployment, Service, HorizontalPodAutoscaler, PodDisruptionBudget, and optional Ingress created with RELEASE-webservice-default.

Any property not provided will inherit from the gitlab-webservice chart defaults.

      path: # Does not inherit or default. Leave blank to disable Ingress.
      pathType: Prefix
      provider: nginx
        # inherits `ingress.anntoations`
      proxyConnectTimeout: # inherits `ingress.proxyConnectTimeout`
      proxyReadTimeout:    # inherits `ingress.proxyReadTimeout`
      proxyBodySize:       # inherits `ingress.proxyBodySize`
      annotations: # map
      labels: # map
      # inherits `deployment`
      labels: # additional labels to .podLabels
      annotations: # map
        # inherit from .Values.annotations
      labels: # additional labels to .serviceLabels
      annotations: # additional annotations to .service.annotations
        # inherits `service.annotations`
      minReplicas: # defaults to .minReplicas
      maxReplicas: # defaults to .maxReplicas
      metrics: # optional replacement of HPA metrics definition
      # inherits `hpa`
      maxUnavailable: # inherits `maxUnavailable`
    resources: # `resources` for `webservice` container
      # inherits `resources`
    workhorse: # map
      # inherits `workhorse`
    extraEnv: #
      # inherits `extraEnv`
    extraEnvFrom: #
      # inherits `extraEnvFrom`
    puma: # map
      # inherits `puma`
    workerProcesses: # inherits `workerProcesses`
      # inherits `shutdown`
    nodeSelector: # map
      # inherits `nodeSelector`
    tolerations: # array
      # inherits `tolerations`

Deployments Ingress

Each deployments entry will inherit from chart-wide Ingress settings. Any value presented here will override those provided there. Outside of path, all settings are identical to those.

        path: /
       path: /api

The path property is directly populated into the Ingress’s path property, and allows one to control URI paths which are directed to each service. In the example above, default acts as the catch-all path, and api received all traffic under /api

You can disable a given Deployment from having an associated Ingress resource created by setting path to empty. See below, where internal-api will never receive external traffic.

        path: /
       path: /api

Ingress settings

Name Type Default Description
ingress.apiVersion String   Value to use in the apiVersion field.
ingress.annotations Map See below These annotations will be used for every Ingress. For example: ingress.annotations."nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/enable-access-log"=true.
ingress.configureCertmanager Boolean   Toggles Ingress annotation and For more information see the TLS requirement for GitLab Pages.
ingress.enabled Boolean false Setting that controls whether to create Ingress objects for services that support them. When false, the global.ingress.enabled setting value is used.
ingress.proxyBodySize String 512m See Below.
ingress.tls.enabled Boolean true When set to false, you disable TLS for GitLab Webservice. This is mainly useful for cases in which you cannot use TLS termination at Ingress-level, like when you have a TLS-terminating proxy before the Ingress Controller.
ingress.tls.secretName String (empty) The name of the Kubernetes TLS Secret that contains a valid certificate and key for the GitLab URL. When not set, the global.ingress.tls.secretName value is used instead.
ingress.tls.smardcardSecretName String (empty) The name of the Kubernetes TLS SEcret that contains a valid certificate and key for the GitLab smartcard URL if enabled. When not set, the global.ingress.tls.secretName value is used instead.
ingress.tls.useGeoClass Boolean false Override the IngressClass with the Geo Ingress class (global.geo.ingressClass). Required for primary Geo sites.


annotations is used to set annotations on the Webservice Ingress.

We set one annotation by default: "true". This helps balance traffic to the Webservice pods more evenly by telling NGINX to directly contact the Service itself as the upstream. For more information, see the NGINX docs.

To override this, set:

      annotations: "false"


proxyBodySize is used to set the NGINX proxy maximum body size. This is commonly required to allow a larger Docker image than the default. It is equivalent to the nginx['client_max_body_size'] configuration in a Linux package installation. As an alternative option, you can set the body size with either of the following two parameters too:

  • gitlab.webservice.ingress.annotations."nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/proxy-body-size"
  • global.ingress.annotations."nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/proxy-body-size"

Extra Ingress

An extra Ingress can be deployed by setting extraIngress.enabled=true. The Ingress is named as the default Ingress with the -extra suffix and supports the same settings as the default Ingress.


Memory requests/limits

Each pod spawns an amount of workers equal to workerProcesses, who each use some baseline amount of memory. We recommend:

  • A minimum of 1.25GB per worker (requests.memory)
  • A maximum of 1.5GB per worker, plus 1GB for the primary (limits.memory)

Note that required resources are dependent on the workload generated by users and may change in the future based on changes or upgrades in the GitLab application.


workerProcesses: 2
    memory: 2.5G # = 2 * 1.25G
# limits:
#   memory: 4G   # = (2 * 1.5G) + 950M

With 4 workers configured:

workerProcesses: 4
    memory: 5G   # = 4 * 1.25G
# limits:
#   memory: 7G   # = (4 * 1.5G) + 950M

External Services


The Redis documentation has been consolidated in the globals page. Please consult this page for the latest Redis configuration options.


The PostgreSQL documentation has been consolidated in the globals page. Please consult this page for the latest PostgreSQL configuration options.


Gitaly is configured by global settings. Please see the Gitaly configuration documentation.


  serviceName: 'minio-svc'
  port: 9000
Name Type Default Description
port Integer 9000 Port number to reach the MinIO Service on.
serviceName String minio-svc Name of the Service that is exposed by the MinIO pod.


  port: 443
    protocol: http
    serviceName: registry
    port: 5000
  tokenIssuer: gitlab-issuer
    secret: gitlab-registry
    key: registry-auth.key
Name Type Default Description String   The hostname of the Registry server to use. This can be omitted in lieu of api.serviceName.
api.port Integer 5000 The port on which to connect to the Registry API.
api.protocol String   The protocol Webservice should use to reach the Registry API.
api.serviceName String registry The name of the service which is operating the Registry server. If this is present, and is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service (and current .Release.Name) in place of the value. This is convenient when using Registry as a part of the overall GitLab chart.
certificate.key String   The name of the key in the Secret which houses the certificate bundle that will be provided to the registry container as auth.token.rootcertbundle.
certificate.secret String   The name of the Kubernetes Secret that houses the certificate bundle to be used to verify the tokens created by the GitLab instance(s).
host String   The external hostname to use for providing Docker commands to users in the GitLab UI. Falls back to the value set in the registry.hostname template. Which determines the registry hostname based on the values set in global.hosts. See the Globals Documentation for more information.
port Integer   The external port used in the hostname. Using port 80 or 443 will result in the URLs being formed with http/https. Other ports will all use http and append the port to the end of hostname, for example
tokenIssuer String gitlab-issuer The name of the auth token issuer. This must match the name used in the Registry’s configuration, as it incorporated into the token when it is sent. The default of gitlab-issuer is the same default we use in the Registry chart.

Chart settings

The following values are used to configure the Webservice Pods.

Name Type Default Description
replicaCount Integer 1 The number of Webservice instances to create in the deployment.
workerProcesses Integer 2 The number of Webservice workers to run per pod. You must have at least 2 workers available in your cluster in order for GitLab to function properly. Note that increasing the workerProcesses will increase the memory required by approximately 400MB per worker, so you should update the pod resources accordingly.


Metrics can be enabled with the metrics.enabled value and use the GitLab monitoring exporter to expose a metrics port. Pods are either given Prometheus annotations or if metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled is true a Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor is created. Metrics can alternativly be scraped from the /-/metrics endpoint, but this requires GitLab Prometheus metrics to be enabled in the Admin area. The GitLab Workhorse metrics can also be exposed via workhorse.metrics.enabled but these can’t be collected using the Prometheus annotations so either require workhorse.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled to be true or external Prometheus configuration.

GitLab Shell

GitLab Shell uses an Auth Token in its communication with Webservice. Share the token with GitLab Shell and Webservice using a shared Secret.

    secret: gitlab-shell-secret
    key: secret
Name Type Default Description
authToken.key String   Defines the name of the key in the secret (below) that contains the authToken.
authToken.secret String   Defines the name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from.
port Integer 22 The port number to use in the generation of SSH URLs within the GitLab UI. Controlled by

WebServer options

Current version of chart supports Puma web server.

Puma unique options:

Name Type Default Description
puma.workerMaxMemory Integer   The maximum memory (in megabytes) for the Puma worker killer
puma.threads.min Integer 4 The minimum amount of Puma threads
puma.threads.max Integer 4 The maximum amount of Puma threads

Configuring the networkpolicy

This section controls the NetworkPolicy. This configuration is optional and is used to limit Egress and Ingress of the Pods to specific endpoints.

Name Type Default Description
enabled Boolean false This setting enables the NetworkPolicy
ingress.enabled Boolean false When set to true, the Ingress network policy will be activated. This will block all Ingress connections unless rules are specified.
ingress.rules Array [] Rules for the Ingress policy, for details see and the example below
egress.enabled Boolean false When set to true, the Egress network policy will be activated. This will block all egress connections unless rules are specified.
egress.rules Array [] Rules for the egress policy, these for details see and the example below

Example Network Policy

The webservice service requires Ingress connections for only the Prometheus exporter if enabled and traffic coming from the NGINX Ingress, and typically requires Egress connections to various places. This examples adds the following network policy:

  • All Ingress requests from the network on TCP port 8080 are allowed for metrics exporting and NGINX Ingress
  • All Ingress requests to port 8181 are allowed for general service operation
  • All Egress requests to the network on UDP port 53 are allowed for DNS
  • All Egress requests to the network on TCP port 5432 are allowed for PostgreSQL
  • All Egress requests to the network on TCP port 6379 are allowed for Redis
  • All Egress requests to the network on TCP port 8075 are allowed for Gitaly
  • Other Egress requests to the local network on are restricted
  • Egress requests outside of the are allowed

Note the example provided is only an example and may not be complete

Note the Webservice requires outbound connectivity to the public internet for images on external object storage

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
      - from:
        - ipBlock:
        - port: 8080
      - from:
        - port: 8181
    enabled: true
      - to:
        - ipBlock:
        - port: 53
          protocol: UDP
      - to:
        - ipBlock:
        - port: 5432
          protocol: TCP
      - to:
        - ipBlock:
        - port: 6379
          protocol: TCP
      - to:
        - ipBlock:
        - port: 8075
          protocol: TCP
      - to:
        - ipBlock:

LoadBalancer Service

If the service.type is set to LoadBalancer, you can optionally specify service.loadBalancerIP to create the LoadBalancer with a user-specified IP (if your cloud provider supports it).

When the service.type is set to LoadBalancer you must also set service.loadBalancerSourceRanges to restrict the CIDR ranges that can access the LoadBalancer (if your cloud provider supports it). This is currently required due to an issue where metric ports are exposed.

Additional information about the LoadBalancer service type can be found in the Kubernetes documentation

  type: LoadBalancer

Configuring KEDA

This keda section enables the installation of KEDA ScaledObjects instead of regular HorizontalPodAutoscalers. This configuration is optional and can be used when there is a need for autoscaling based on custom or external metrics.

Most settings default to the values set in the hpa section where applicable.

If the following are true, CPU and memory triggers are added automatically based on the CPU and memory thresholds set in the hpa section:

  • triggers is not set.
  • The corresponding request.cpu.request or request.memory.request setting is also set to a non-zero value.

If no triggers are set, the ScaledObject is not created.

Refer to the KEDA documentation for more details about those settings.

Name Type Default Description
enabled Boolean false Use KEDA ScaledObjects instead of HorizontalPodAutoscalers
pollingInterval Integer 30 The interval to check each trigger on
cooldownPeriod Integer 300 The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0
minReplicaCount Integer   Minimum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource down to, defaults to minReplicas
maxReplicaCount Integer   Maximum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource up to, defaults to maxReplicas
fallback Map   KEDA fallback configuration, see the documentation
hpaName String   The name of the HPA resource KEDA will create, defaults to keda-hpa-{scaled-object-name}
restoreToOriginalReplicaCount Boolean   Specifies whether the target resource should be scaled back to original replicas count after the ScaledObject is deleted
behavior Map   The specifications for up- and downscaling behavior, defaults to hpa.behavior
triggers Array   List of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource, defaults to triggers computed from hpa.cpu and hpa.memory