Troubleshooting importing a project from GitHub to GitLab

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

When importing a project from GitHub to GitLab, you might encounter the following issues.

Manually continue a previously failed import process

In some cases, the GitHub import process can fail to import the repository. This causes GitLab to abort the project import process and requires the repository to be imported manually. Administrators can manually import the repository for a failed import process:

  1. Open a Rails console.

  2. Run the following series of commands in the console:

    Copy to clipboard
    project_id = <PROJECT_ID>
    github_access_token =  <GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN>
    github_repository_path = '<GROUP>/<REPOSITORY>'
    github_repository_url = "https://#{github_access_token}{github_repository_path}.git"
    # Find project by ID
    project = Project.find(project_id)
    # Set import URL and credentials
    project.import_url = github_repository_url
    project.import_type = 'github'
    project.import_source = github_repository_path!
    # Create an import state if the project was created manually and not from a failed import
    project.create_import_state if project.import_state.blank?
    # Set state to start
    # Optional: If your import had certain optional stages selected or a timeout strategy
    # set, you can reset them here. Below is an example.
    # The params follow the format documented in the API:
      timeout_strategy: "optimistic",
      optional_stages: {
        single_endpoint_issue_events_import: true,
        single_endpoint_notes_import: true,
        attachments_import: true,
        collaborators_import: true
    # Trigger import from second step

Import fails due to missing prefix

In GitLab 16.5 and later, you might get an error that states Import failed due to a GitHub error: (HTTP 406).

This issue occurs because, in GitLab 16.5, the path prefix api/v3 was removed from the GitHub importer. This happened because the importer stopped using the Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::Client. This client automatically added the api/v3 prefix on imports from a GitHub Enterprise URL.

To work around this error, add the api/v3 prefix when importing from a GitHub Enterprise URL.

Errors when importing large projects

The GitHub importer might encounter some errors when importing large projects.

Missing comments

The GitHub API has a limit that prevents more than approximately 30,000 notes or diff notes from being imported. When this limit is reached, the GitHub API instead returns the following error:

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In order to keep the API fast for everyone, pagination is limited for this resource. Check the rel=last link relation in the Link response header to see how far back you can traverse.

When importing GitHub projects with a large number of comments, select the Use alternative comments import method additional item to import checkbox. This setting makes the import process take longer because it increases the number of network requests required to perform the import.

Reduce GitHub API request objects per page

Some GitHub API endpoints might return a 500 or 502 error for project imports from large repositories. To reduce the chance of these errors, in the group project importing the data, enable the github_importer_lower_per_page_limit feature flag. When enabled, the flag reduces the page size from 100 to 50.

To enable this feature flag:

  1. Start a Rails console.

  2. Run the following enable command:

    Copy to clipboard
    group = Group.find_by_full_path('my/group/fullpath')
    # Enable
    Feature.enable(:github_importer_lower_per_page_limit, group)

To disable the feature flag, run this command:

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# Disable
Feature.disable(:github_importer_lower_per_page_limit, group)

GitLab instance cannot connect to GitHub

Self-managed instances that run GitLab 15.10 or earlier, and are behind proxies, cannot resolve DNS for or The GitLab instance fails to connect to GitHub during the import and you must add and entries in the allowlist for local requests.