Tutorial: Update Git commit messages

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab.com, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

Occasionally, after you’ve made a few commits to your branch, you realize you need to update one or more commit messages. Perhaps you found a typo, or some automation warned you that your commit message didn’t completely align with a project’s commit message guidelines.

Updating the message can be tricky if you don’t have much practice using Git from the command-line interface (CLI). But don’t worry, even if you have only ever worked in the GitLab UI, you can follow these steps to use the CLI.

This tutorial explains how to rewrite commit messages in both cases:

  • If you work in the GitLab UI only, start at step 1.
  • If you already have your repository cloned locally, you can skip to step 2.

To rewrite any number of commit messages:

  1. Clone your project’s repository to your local machine.
  2. Fetch and check out your branch locally.
  3. Update the commit messages.
  4. Push the changes up to GitLab.

Before you begin

You must have:

  • A GitLab project with a Git branch containing commits that you want to update.
  • Git installed on your local machine.
  • The ability to get to your local machine’s command-line interface (CLI). In macOS, you can use Terminal. In Windows, you can use PowerShell. Linux users are probably already familiar with their system’s CLI.
  • Familiarity with your system’s default editor. This tutorial assumes your editor is Vim, but any text editor should work. If you are unfamiliar with Vim, step 1 to 2 of Getting started with Vim explains all the commands used later in this tutorial.
  • Permission to overwrite the commit messages. If you are working with multiple people in the same branch, you should first verify with them that it’s OK to update the commits. Some organizations might have rules against rewriting commits, as it is considered a destructive change.

You must authenticate with GitLab to overwrite the commit messages in the final step. If your GitLab account uses basic username and password authentication, you must have two factor authentication (2FA) disabled to authenticate from the CLI. Alternatively, you can use an SSH key to authenticate with GitLab.

Clone your repository to your local machine

The first step is to get a clone of the repository on your local machine:

  1. In GitLab, on your project’s overview page, in the upper-right corner, select Code.

  2. In the dropdown list, copy the URL for your repository by selecting copy-to-clipboard next to:

    • Clone with HTTPS if your GitLab account uses basic username and password authentication.
    • Clone with SSH if you use SSH to authenticate with GitLab.
  3. Now switch to the CLI (Terminal, PowerShell, or similar) on your local machine, and go to the directory where you want to clone the repository. For example, /users/my-username/my-projects/.

  4. Run git clone and paste the URL you copied earlier, for example:

    Copy to clipboard
    git clone https://gitlab.com/my-username/my-awesome-project.git

    This clones the repository into a new directory called my-awesome-project/.

Now your repository is on your computer, ready for your Git CLI commands!

Fetch and check out your branch

Next, you need to check out the branch that contains the commits to update.

  1. Assuming you are still at the same place in the CLI as the previous step, change to your project directory with cd:

    Copy to clipboard
    cd my-awesome-project
  2. Optional. If you’ve just cloned the repository, your branch should already be on your computer too. But if you’ve previously cloned the repository and skipped to this step, you might need to fetch your branch with:

    Copy to clipboard
    git fetch origin my-branch-name
  3. Now that you know for sure that the branch is on your local system, switch to it:

    Copy to clipboard
    git checkout my-branch-name
  4. Verify that it’s the correct branch with git log and check that the most recent commits match the commits in your branch on GitLab. To exit the log, use q.

Update the commit messages

Now you are ready to update the commit messages:

  1. In GitLab, check how far back in the commit history you need to go:

    • If you already have a merge request open for your branch, you can check the Commits tab and use the total number of commits.
    • If you are working from a branch only:
      1. Go to Code > Commits.
      2. Select the dropdown list in the top left and find your branch.
      3. Find the oldest commit you want to update, and count how far back that commit is. For example, if you want to update the second and fourth commit, the count would be 4.
  2. From the CLI, start an interactive rebase, which is the Git process to update commits. Add the count of commits from the previous step to the end of HEAD~, for example:

    Copy to clipboard
    git rebase -i HEAD~4

    In this example, Git selects the four most recent commits in the branch to update.

  3. Git launches a text editor and lists the selected commits. For example, it should look similar to:

    Copy to clipboard
    pick a0cea50 Fix broken link
    pick bb84712 Update milestone-plan.md
    pick ce11fad Add list of maintainers
    pick d211d03 update template.md
    # Rebase 1f5ec88..d211d03 onto 1f5ec88 (4 commands)
    # Commands:
    # p, pick <commit> = use commit
    # r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message
    # e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending
    # s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit
    # f, fixup [-C | -c] <commit> = like "squash" but keep only the previous
    #                    commit's log message, unless -C is used, in which case
    # [and so on...]
  4. The pick command tells Git to use the commits without change. You must change the command from pick to reword for the commits you want to update. Type i to enter INSERT mode, and then start editing the text.

    For example, to update the text of the second and fourth commits in the sample above, edit it to look like:

    Copy to clipboard
    pick a0cea50 Fix broken link
    reword bb84712 Update milestone-plan.md
    pick ce11fad Add list of maintainers
    reword d211d03 update template.md
  5. Save the edited text. Press Escape to exit INSERT mode, then type :wq and Enter to save and exit.

  6. Git now goes through each commit one at a time and applies the commands you selected. Any commits with pick are added back to the branch unchanged. When Git reaches a commit with reword, it stops and again opens up the text editor. Now it’s time to finally update the text of the commit message!

    • If you only need a one line commit message, update the text as needed. For example:

      Copy to clipboard
      Update the monthly milestone plan
    • If the commit message needs a title and a body, separate these with a blank line. For example:

      Copy to clipboard
      Update the monthly milestone plan
      Make the milestone plan clearer by listing the responsibilities
      of each maintainer.

    After you save and exit, Git updates the commit message, and processes the next commits in order. You should see the message Successfully rebased and update refs/heads/my-branch-name when finished.

  7. Optional. To verify that the commit messages were updated, you can run git log and scroll down to see the commit messages.

Push the changes up to GitLab

Now all that’s left is to push these changes up to GitLab:

  1. From the CLI, push the changes back to GitLab. You must use the -f “force push” option, because the commits were updated and a force push overwrites the old commits in GitLab.

    Copy to clipboard
    git push -f origin

    Your terminal might prompt you for your username and password before overwriting the commit messages in GitLab.

  2. In your project in GitLab, verify that the commits have been updated:

    • If you already have a merge request open for your branch, check the Commits tab.
    • If you are working from a branch only:
      1. Go to Code > Commits.
      2. Select the dropdown list in the top left and find your branch.
      3. Verify that the relevant commits in the list are now updated.

Congratulations, you have successfully updated your commit messages and pushed them to GitLab!