Documentation and UI link tests contribute

For testing:

To run the relative link test locally, you can either:

  • Run the link check for a single project that contains documentation.
  • Run the link check across entire local copy of the GitLab documentation site.

Check a single project

To check the links on a single project:

  1. Install Lychee.
  2. Change into the root directory of the project.
  3. Run lychee --offline --include-fragments <doc_directory> where <doc_directory> it the directory that contains documentation to check. For example: lychee --offline --include-fragments doc.

Check all GitLab Docs site projects

To check links on the entire GitLab documentation site:

  1. Make sure you have all the documentation projects cloned in the same directory as your gitlab-docs clone. You can run make clone-all-docs-projects to clone any projects you don’t have in that location. If you want to update the documentation projects, run make update-all-projects.
  2. Go to the gitlab-docs directory.
  3. Run make internal-links-and-anchors-check, which builds the GitLab Docs site with nanoc and checks links on the built site by using nanoc.

To test documentation links from GitLab code files locally, you can run

  • haml-lint: For .haml files.
  • eslint: For frontend (.js and .vue) files.
  • rubocop: For .rb files.

Run haml-lint tests

  1. Open the gitlab directory in a terminal window.

  2. Run:

    Copy to clipboard
    bundle exec haml-lint -i DocumentationLinks

If you receive an error the first time you run this test, run bundle install, which installs the dependencies for GitLab, and try again.

If you don’t want to install all of the dependencies to test the links, you can:

  1. Open the gitlab directory in a terminal window.

  2. Install haml-lint:

    Copy to clipboard
    gem install haml_lint
  3. Run:

    Copy to clipboard
    haml-lint -i DocumentationLinks

If you manually install haml-lint with this process, it does not update automatically and you should make sure your version matches the version used by GitLab.

Run eslint tests

  1. Open the gitlab directory in a terminal window.

  2. Run:

    Copy to clipboard

If you receive an error the first time you run this test, run yarn install, which installs the dependencies for GitLab, and try again.

Run rubocop tests

  1. Install RuboCop

  2. Open the gitlab directory in a terminal window.

  3. To run the check on all Ruby files:

    Copy to clipboard
    rubocop --only Gitlab/DocumentationLinks/Link

    To run the check on a single Ruby file:

    Copy to clipboard
    rubocop --only Gitlab/DocumentationLinks/Link path/to/ruby/file.rb