Verifying integrity of CNG images
To ensure the CNG images aren’t tampered with after they are pushed to the
registry, their digests are signed using
. cosign
uses ECDSA-P256 keys
and SHA256 hashes. Keys are stored in PEM-encoded PKCS8 format.
These digests can be verified using cosign verify
command as described below:
The images are signed using a private key and can be only verified locally using the corresponding public key. Moving to a keyless signing/verification with OIDC provider is being discussed in issue 638.
Download the public key used for signing from
Verify the CNG image:
$ cosign verify --key | jq -r Verification for -- The following checks were performed on each of these signatures: - The cosign claims were validated - Existence of the claims in the transparency log was verified offline - The signatures were verified against the specified public key [ { "critical": { "identity": { "docker-reference": "" }, "image": { "docker-manifest-digest": "sha256:218a67cc46b49ba0563dbdc83618bf11fa5453577a4aa75475823e315952ea79" }, "type": "cosign container image signature" }, "optional": { "Bundle": { "SignedEntryTimestamp": "MEUCIQCDj2Ffe8Qll9clqAKoBA8wTwg2NrzMLvpVMkw61qdhmAIgQgLYCT7IdGwVEp5UrQjN67Zt9CTATQpi08+CrGgqnxw=", "Payload": { "body": "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", "integratedTime": 1707955615, "logIndex": 71468664, "logID": "c0d23d6ad406973f9559f3ba2d1ca01f84147d8ffc5b8445c224f98b9591801d" } } } } ]
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