Product analytics API

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering:, Self-managed
  • Status: Beta

The availability of this feature is controlled by a feature flag. For more information, see the history. This feature is not ready for production use.

Make sure to define the cube_api_base_url and cube_api_key application settings first using the API.

Send query request to Cube

Generate an access token that can be used to query the Cube API. For example:

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POST /projects/:id/product_analytics/request/load
POST /projects/:id/product_analytics/request/dry-run
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes The ID of a project that the current user has read access to.
include_token boolean no Whether to include the access token in the response. (Only required for funnel generation.)

Request body

The body of the load request must be a valid Cube query.

When measuring TrackedEvents, you must use TrackedEvents.* for dimensions and timeDimensions. The same rule applies when measuring Sessions.

Tracked events example

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  "query": {
    "measures": [
    "timeDimensions": [
        "dimension": "TrackedEvents.utcTime",
        "dateRange": "This week"
    "order": [
    "dimensions": [
    "limit": 23
  "queryType": "multi"

Sessions example

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  "query": {
    "measures": [
    "timeDimensions": [
        "dimension": "Sessions.startAt",
        "granularity": "day"
    "order": {
      "Sessions.startAt": "asc"
    "limit": 100
  "queryType": "multi"

Send metadata request to Cube

Return Cube Metadata for the Analytics data. For example:

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GET /projects/:id/product_analytics/request/meta
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes The ID of a project that the current user has read access to.