GitLab Query Language (GLQL)

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering:, Self-managed Status: Experiment
  • Introduced in GitLab 17.4 with a flag named glql_integration. Disabled by default.
  • Enabled on in GitLab 17.4 for a subset of groups and projects.
The availability of this feature is controlled by a feature flag. For more information, see the history. This feature is available for testing, but not ready for production use.

GitLab Query Language (GLQL) is an experimental attempt to create a single query language for all of GitLab. Use it to filter and embed content from anywhere in the platform, using familiar syntax. Embed queries in Markdown code blocks.

This feature is an experiment. Share your feedback in epic 14939, either as a comment on the epic, or by creating a new issue under the epic with labels ~"group::knowledge" and ~"type::feature" or ~"type::bug".

Supported areas

GLQL blocks are rendered in the following areas:

  • Wikis (group and project)
  • Epics and epic comments
  • Issue and issue comments
  • Merge requests and merge request comments
  • Work items (tasks, OKRs, epics with the new look) and work item comments

Supported objects to query

GLQL can only query issues under a project or group.


The syntax of GLQL is composed of two parts:

  • The query: Expressions joined together with a logical operator, such as AND.
  • The presentation layer: YAML front matter.

A GLQL block is defined in Markdown as a code block, similar to other code blocks like Mermaid.

For example:

Display a table of first 5 open issues assigned to the authenticated user in gitlab-org/gitlab. Display columns title, state, health, description, epic, milestone, weight, and updated.

display: table
fields: title, state, health, epic, milestone, weight, updated
limit: 5
project = "gitlab-org/gitlab" AND assignee = currentUser() AND opened = true

This query should render a table like the one below:

A table listing issues assigned to the current user

Query syntax

GLQL syntax consists primarily of logical expressions. These expressions follow the syntax of <field name> [< | > | = | != | in] <value> [AND] ....

Field names include assignee, author, label, and epic. For a full list of supported fields, see the table at the bottom of this section.

Comparison operators:

GLQL operator Description Equivalent in search
= Equals is (equal to)
!= Doesn’t equal is not (equal to)
in Contained in list or / is one of
> Greater than No
< Less than No

Logical operators: Only AND is supported. OR is indirectly supported for some fields by using the IN comparison operator.

Values: Values can include:

  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Dates (relative or absolute)
  • Functions (like currentUser() for assignee or today() for dates)
  • Special tokens (like upcoming or started for milestones)

The following table lists all supported fields and their value types:

Field Operators Values Examples
assignee = "foobar"
assignee in ("foobar", "baz")
author = currentUser()
author = any
assignee = none
epic = any
reaction = ":thumbsup:"
String project = "gitlab-org/gitlab"
group = "gitlab-org"
Boolean closed = true
opened = true
confidential = true
updated = today()
created > -28d (created in the last 28 days)
created < -7d (created at least a week ago)
created > 2024-08-12
updated < "2024-08-12"
health =
"on track"
"at risk"
health = "on track"
health != "on track"
health = "at risk"
milestone = "17.4"
milestone = "Backlog"
milestone != none
iteration = any
label =
label != none
label in ("feature", "bug") (has the feature or bug label)
label = ("bug", "priority::1") (has both bug and priority::1 labels)
label = "bug"
weight =
Number weight = 1
weight != 2 and weight != 1

Query shorthand syntax

When querying multiple labels and assignees, you can also use the shorthand syntax to simplify the query.

For example:

Shorthand syntax Full equivalent
label != ("label 1", "label 2") label != "label 1" and label != "label 2"
label = ("label 1", "label 2") label = "label 1" and label = "label 2"
assignee != ("user1", "user2") assignee != "user1" and assignee != "user2"
assignee = ("user1", "user2") assignee = "user1" and assignee = "user2"

Presentation syntax

GLQL presentation is configured in a YAML front matter block. A YAML front matter block begins and ends with --- and contains YAML.

Three options are supported:

Option Default Description
display table How to display the data. Supported options: table, list or orderedList.
limit 100 How many items to display. The maximum value is 100.
fields title A comma-separated list of fields.

Supported fields to display:

  • assignees
  • author
  • closed
  • created
  • description
  • due
  • epic
  • health
  • labels
  • milestone
  • state
  • title
  • type
  • updated
  • weight

For example:

Display first five issues assigned to current user in the gitlab-org/gitlab project as a list, displaying fields title, health, and due.

display: list
fields: title, health, due
limit: 5
project = "gitlab-org/gitlab" AND assignee = currentUser() AND opened = true

Field functions

In the fields parameter, you can also include functions to derive a column from an existing field.

In the initial version, only the labels function is supported.

  • Syntax: labels("field1", "field2")

  • Description: The labels function takes one or more label name string values as parameter, and creates a filtered column with only those labels on issues. The function also works as an extractor, so if a label has been extracted, it no longer shows up in the regular labels column, if you choose to display that column as well.

    By default, this function looks for an exact match to the label name. You can include * in the string to match one or more wildcard characters.

    The label names you pass are case-insensitive, so Deliverable and deliverable are equivalent.

  • Limits: A minimum of 1 and maximum of 100 label names can be passed to the labels function.

  • Usage examples:

    • labels("workflow::*"): Include all workflow scoped labels in the column.
    • labels("Deliverable", "Stretch", "Spike"): Include labels Deliverable, Stretch, and Spike.
    • labels("*end"): Include all labels like backend, frontend, and others that end with end.

    To include the function in the query, follow this example:

    display: list
    fields: title, health, due, labels("workflow::*"), labels
    limit: 5
    project = "gitlab-org/gitlab" AND assignee = currentUser() AND opened = true

Known issues

For a full list of known issues, see epic 14437 and GLQL issues.