Documentation testing

GitLab documentation is stored in projects with code, and treated like code. To maintain standards and quality of documentation, we use processes similar to those used for code.

Merge requests containing changes to Markdown (.md) files run these CI/CD jobs:

  • docs-lint markdown: Runs several types of tests, including:
  • docs-lint links: Checks the validity of internal links in the documentation suite.
  • ui-docs-links lint and eslint-docs: Checks the validity of links from UI elements, such as files in app/views files.

Tests in

The tests in /scripts/ look for page content problems that Vale and markdownlint cannot test for. The docs-lint markdown job fails if any of these tests fail:

  • Curl (curl) commands must use long-form options (--header) instead of short options, like -h.
  • Documentation pages must contain front matter indicating ownership of the page.
  • Non-standard Unicode space characters (NBSP, NNBSP, ZWSP) must not be used in documentation, because they can cause irregularities in search indexing and grepping.
  • must not contain duplicate versions.
  • No files in the doc/ directory may be executable.
  • Use instead of
  • Directories and filenames must use underscores instead of dashes.
  • Directories and filenames must be in lower case.
  • Mermaid charts must render without errors.

Mermaid chart linting


Mermaid builds charts and diagrams from code.

The script (scripts/lint/check_mermaid.mjs) runs during checks on all merge requests that contain changes to Markdown files. The script returns an error if any Markdown files return a Mermaid syntax error.

To help debug your Mermaid charts, use the Mermaid Live Editor.

To check for broken links, merge requests containing changes to Markdown (.md) files run these jobs in their pipelines:

These jobs check links, including anchor links, and report any problems. Any link that requires a network connection is skipped.

The ui-docs-links lint job uses haml-lint to test that all documentation links from UI elements (app/views files, for example) link to valid pages and anchors.

Install documentation linters

To help adhere to the documentation style guidelines, and improve the content added to documentation, install documentation linters and integrate them with your code editor. At a minimum, install markdownlint and Vale to match the checks run in build pipelines. Both tools can integrate with your code editor.

Run documentation tests locally

Similar to previewing your changes locally, you can also run documentation tests on your local computer. This has the advantage of:

  • Speeding up the feedback loop. You can know of any problems with the changes in your branch without waiting for a CI/CD pipeline to run.
  • Lowering costs. Running tests locally is cheaper than running tests on the cloud infrastructure GitLab uses.

It’s important to:

  • Keep the tools up-to-date, and match the versions used in our CI/CD pipelines.
  • Run linters, documentation link tests, and UI link tests the same way they are run in CI/CD pipelines. It’s important to use same configuration we use in CI/CD pipelines, which can be different than the default configuration of the tool.

Installation and configuration instructions are available for:

Run locally

Use a Rake task to run the tests locally.


  • You have either:
    • The required lint tools installed on your computer.
    • A working Docker or containerd installation, to use an image with these tools pre-installed.
  1. Go to your gitlab directory.
  2. Run:

    rake lint:markdown

To specify a single file or directory you would like to run lint checks for, run:

MD_DOC_PATH=path/to/ rake lint:markdown

The output should be similar to:

=> Linting documents at path /path/to/gitlab as <user>...
=> Checking for cURL short options...
=> Checking for duplicate entries...
=> Checking /path/to/gitlab/doc for executable permissions...
=> Checking for new files...
=> Linting markdown style...
=> Linting prose...
✔ 0 errors, 0 warnings and 0 suggestions in 1 file.
✔ Linting passed

Update linter configuration

Vale and markdownlint configurations are under source control in each project, so updates must be committed to each project individually.

The configuration in the gitlab project should be treated as the source of truth, and all updates should first be made there.

On a regular basis, the changes made in gitlab project to the Vale and markdownlint configuration should be synchronized to the other projects. In each of the supported projects:

  1. Create a new branch. Add docs- to the beginning or -docs to the end of the branch name. Some projects use this convention to limit the jobs that run.
  2. Copy the configuration files from the gitlab project. For example, in the root directory of the project, run:

    # Copy markdownlint configuration file
    cp ../gitlab/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml .
    # Remove existing Vale configuration in case some rules have been removed from the GitLab project
    rm -r docs/.vale/gitlab
    # Copy gitlab_base Vale configuration files for a project with documentation stored in 'docs' directory
    cp -r ../gitlab/doc/.vale/gitlab_base docs/.vale
  3. If updating gitlab-runner, gitlab-omnibus, charts/gitlab, or gitlab-operator, also copy the gitlab-docs Vale configuration from the gitlab project. For example, in the root directory of the project, run:

    # Copy gitlab-docs Vale configuration files for a project with documentation stored in 'docs' directory
    cp -r ../gitlab/doc/.vale/gitlab_docs docs/.vale
  4. Review the diff created for .markdownlint-cli2.yaml. For example, run:

    git diff .markdownlint-cli2.yaml
  5. Remove any changes that aren’t required. For example, customRules is only used in the gitlab project.
  6. Review the diffs created for the Vale configuration. For example, run:

    git diff docs
  7. Remove unneeded changes to RelativeLinks.yml. This rule is specific to each project.
  8. Remove any .tmpl files. These files are only used in the gitlab project.
  9. Run markdownlint-cli2 to check for any violations of the new rules. For example:

    markdownlint-cli2 docs/**/*.md
  10. Run Vale to check for any violations of the new rules. For example:

    vale --minAlertLevel error docs
  11. Commit the changes to the new branch. Some projects require conventional commits so check the contributing information for the project before committing.

  12. Submit a merge request for review.

Update linting images

Lint tests run in CI/CD pipelines using images from the gitlab-docs container registry.

If a new version of a dependency is released (like a new version of Ruby), we should update the images to use the newer version. Then, we can update the configuration files in each of our documentation projects to point to the new image.

To update the linting images:

  1. In gitlab-docs, open a merge request to update .gitlab-ci.yml to use the new tooling version. (Example MR)
  2. When merged, start a Build docker images manually scheduled pipeline.
  3. Go the pipeline you started, and wait for the relevant test:image job to complete, for example test:image:docs-lint-markdown. If the job:
    • Passes, start the relevant image: job, for example, image:docs-lint-markdown.
    • Fails, review the test job log and start troubleshooting the issue. The image configuration likely needs some manual tweaks to work with the updated dependency.
  4. After the image: job passes, check the job’s log for the name of the new image. (Example job output)
  5. Verify that the new image was added to the container registry.
  6. Open merge requests to update each of these configuration files to point to the new image. In each merge request, include a small doc update to trigger the job that uses the image.
  7. In each merge request, check the relevant job output to confirm the updated image was used for the test. (Example job output)
  8. Assign the merge requests to any technical writer to review and merge.

Configure pre-push hooks

Git pre-push hooks allow Git users to:

  • Run tests or other processes before pushing a branch.
  • Avoid pushing a branch if failures occur with these tests.

lefthook is a Git hooks manager. It makes configuring, installing, and removing Git hooks simpler. Configuration for it is available in the lefthook.yml file for the gitlab project.

To set up lefthook for documentation linting, see Pre-push static analysis.

To show Vale errors on push, see Show Vale warnings on push.

Disable linting on documentation

Some, but not all, linting can be disabled on documentation files:

Tool versions used in CI/CD pipelines

You should use linter versions that are the same as those used in our CI/CD pipelines for maximum compatibility with the linting rules we use.

To match the versions of markdownlint-cli2 and vale used in the GitLab projects, refer to:

Versions set in these two locations should be the same.

Tool Version Command Additional information
markdownlint-cli2 Latest yarn global add markdownlint-cli2 None.
markdownlint-cli2 Specific yarn global add markdownlint-cli2@0.8.1 The @ indicates a specific version, and this example updates the tool to version 0.8.1.
Vale (using asdf) Specific asdf install Installs the version of Vale set in .tool-versions file in a project.
Vale (other) Specific Not applicable. Binaries can be directly downloaded.
Vale (using brew) Latest brew update && brew upgrade vale This command is for macOS only.

Supported projects

For the specifics of each test run in our CI/CD pipelines, see the configuration for those tests in the relevant projects:

We also run some documentation tests in these projects: