Hosted runners on macOS

Tier: Premium, Ultimate Offering: Status: Beta

Hosted runners on macOS provide an on-demand macOS environment, fully integrated with GitLab CI/CD. You can use these runners to build, test, and deploy apps for the Apple ecosystem (macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS). Our Mobile DevOps section provides features, documentation, and guidance on building and deploying mobile applications for iOS.

Hosted runners on macOS are in beta and available for open source programs and customers in Premium and Ultimate plans. General availability of Hosted runners on macOS is proposed in epic 8267.

Machine types available for macOS

GitLab offers the following machine type for hosted runners on macOS. To build for an x86-64 target, you can use Rosetta 2 to emulate an Intel x86-64 environment.

Runner Tag vCPUS Memory Storage
saas-macos-medium-m1 4 8 GB 25 GB

Supported macOS images

In comparison to our hosted runners on Linux, where you can run any Docker image, GitLab provides a set of VM images for macOS.

You can execute your build in one of the following images, which you specify in your .gitlab-ci.yml file. Each image runs a specific version of macOS and Xcode.

VM image Status  
macos-13-xcode-14 GA Preinstalled Software
macos-14-xcode-15 GA Preinstalled Software

If no image is specified, the macOS runner uses macos-14-xcode-15.

Image update policy for macOS

The images and installed components are updated with each GitLab release, to keep the preinstalled software up-to-date. GitLab typically supports multiple versions of preinstalled software. For more information, see the full list of preinstalled software.

Major and minor releases of macOS and Xcode, are made available within two weeks of Apple’s release.

A new major release image is initially made available as beta, and becomes generally available (GA) with the release of the first minor release. Because only two GA images are supported at a time, the oldest image becomes deprecated and will be removed after three months according to the supported image lifecycle.

When a new major release is GA, it becomes the default image for all macOS jobs.

Example .gitlab-ci.yml file

The following sample .gitlab-ci.yml file shows how to start using the hosted runners on macOS:

    - saas-macos-medium-m1
  image: macos-14-xcode-15
    - echo "started by ${GITLAB_USER_NAME} / @${GITLAB_USER_LOGIN}"

    - .macos_saas_runners
  stage: build
    - echo "running scripts in the build job"

    - .macos_saas_runners
  stage: test
    - echo "running scripts in the test job"

Code signing iOS Projects with fastlane

Before you can integrate GitLab with Apple services, install to a device, or deploy to the Apple App Store, you must code sign your application.

Included in each runner on macOS VM image is fastlane, an open-source solution aimed at simplifying mobile app deployment.

For information about how to set up code signing for your application, see the instructions in the Mobile DevOps documentation.

Related topics:

Optimizing Homebrew

By default, Homebrew checks for updates at the start of any operation. Homebrew has a release cycle that may be more frequent than the GitLab macOS image release cycle. This difference in release cycles may cause steps that call brew to take extra time to complete while Homebrew makes updates.

To reduce build time due to unintended Homebrew updates, set the HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE variable in .gitlab-ci.yml:


Optimizing Cocoapods

If you use Cocoapods in a project, you should consider the following optimizations to improve CI performance.

Cocoapods CDN

You can use content delivery network (CDN) access to download packages from the CDN instead of having to clone an entire project repository. CDN access is available in Cocoapods 1.8 or later and is supported by all GitLab hosted runners on macOS.

To enable CDN access, ensure your Podfile starts with:

source ''

Use GitLab caching

Use caching in Cocoapods packages in GitLab to only run pod install when pods change, which can improve build performance.

To configure caching for your project:

  1. Add the cache configuration to your .gitlab-ci.yml file:

         - Podfile.lock
      - Pods
  2. Add the cocoapods-check plugin to your project.
  3. Update the job script to check for installed dependencies before it calls pod install:

    bundle exec pod check || bundle exec pod install

Include pods in source control

You can also include the pods directory in source control. This eliminates the need to install pods as part of the CI job, but it does increase the overall size of your project’s repository.

Known issues and usage constraints

  • If the VM image does not include the specific software version you need for your job, the required software must be fetched and installed. This causes an increase in job execution time.
  • It is not possible to bring your own OS image.
  • The keychain for user gitlab is not publicly available. You must create a keychain instead.
  • Hosted runners on macOS run in headless mode. Any workloads that require UI interactions such as testmanagerd are not supported.