GitLab Prometheus metrics

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering: Self-managed

To enable the GitLab Prometheus metrics:

  1. Sign in to GitLab as a user with administrator access.
  2. On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin.
  3. Select Settings > Metrics and profiling.
  4. Find the Metrics - Prometheus section, and select Enable GitLab Prometheus metrics endpoint.
  5. Restart GitLab for the changes to take effect.

For self-compiled installations, you must configure it yourself.

Collecting the metrics

GitLab monitors its own internal service metrics, and makes them available at the /-/metrics endpoint. Unlike other Prometheus exporters, to access the metrics, the client IP address must be explicitly allowed.

These metrics are enabled and collected for Linux package and Helm chart installations. For self-compiled installations, these metrics must be enabled manually and collected by a Prometheus server.

For enabling and viewing metrics from Sidekiq nodes, see Sidekiq metrics.

Metrics available

  • caller_id removed from redis_hit_miss_operations_total and redis_cache_generation_duration_seconds in GitLab 15.11.

The following metrics are available:

Metric Type Since Description Labels
gitlab_cache_misses_total Counter 10.2 Cache read miss controller, action, store, endpoint_id
gitlab_cache_operation_duration_seconds Histogram 10.2 Cache access time operation, store, endpoint_id
gitlab_cache_operations_total Counter 12.2 Cache operations by controller or action controller, action, operation, store, endpoint_id
gitlab_cache_read_multikey_count Histogram 15.7 Count of keys in multi-key cache read operations controller, action, store, endpoint_id
gitlab_ci_job_token_inbound_access Counter 17.2 Count of inbound accesses via CI job token  
gitlab_ci_pipeline_builder_scoped_variables_duration Histogram 14.5 Time in seconds it takes to create the scoped variables for a CI/CD job  
gitlab_ci_pipeline_creation_duration_seconds Histogram 13.0 Time in seconds it takes to create a CI/CD pipeline gitlab
gitlab_ci_pipeline_size_builds Histogram 13.1 Total number of builds within a pipeline grouped by a pipeline source source
gitlab_ci_runner_authentication_success_total Counter 15.2 Total number of times that runner authentication has succeeded type
gitlab_ci_runner_authentication_failure_total Counter 15.2 Total number of times that runner authentication has failed  
gitlab_ghost_user_migration_lag_seconds Gauge 15.6 The waiting time in seconds of the oldest scheduled record for ghost user migration  
gitlab_ghost_user_migration_scheduled_records_total Gauge 15.6 The total number of scheduled ghost user migrations  
gitlab_ci_active_jobs Histogram 14.2 Count of active jobs when pipeline is created  
gitlab_database_transaction_seconds Histogram 12.1 Time spent in database transactions, in seconds  
gitlab_method_call_duration_seconds Histogram 10.2 Method calls real duration controller, action, module, method
gitlab_omniauth_login_total Counter 16.1 Total number of OmniAuth logins attempts omniauth_provider, status
gitlab_page_out_of_bounds Counter 12.8 Counter for the PageLimiter pagination limit being hit controller, action, bot
gitlab_rails_boot_time_seconds Gauge 14.8 Time elapsed for Rails primary process to finish startup  
gitlab_rails_queue_duration_seconds Histogram 9.4 Measures latency between GitLab Workhorse forwarding a request to Rails  
gitlab_sql_duration_seconds Histogram 10.2 SQL execution time, excluding SCHEMA operations and BEGIN / COMMIT  
gitlab_sql_<role>_duration_seconds Histogram 13.10 SQL execution time, excluding SCHEMA operations and BEGIN / COMMIT, grouped by database roles (primary/replica)  
gitlab_ruby_threads_max_expected_threads Gauge 13.3 Maximum number of threads expected to be running and performing application work  
gitlab_ruby_threads_running_threads Gauge 13.3 Number of running Ruby threads by name  
gitlab_transaction_cache_<key>_count_total Counter 10.2 Counter for total Rails cache calls (per key)  
gitlab_transaction_cache_<key>_duration_total Counter 10.2 Counter for total time (seconds) spent in Rails cache calls (per key)  
gitlab_transaction_cache_count_total Counter 10.2 Counter for total Rails cache calls (aggregate)  
gitlab_transaction_cache_duration_total Counter 10.2 Counter for total time (seconds) spent in Rails cache calls (aggregate)  
gitlab_transaction_cache_read_hit_count_total Counter 10.2 Counter for cache hits for Rails cache calls controller, action, store, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_cache_read_miss_count_total Counter 10.2 Counter for cache misses for Rails cache calls controller, action, store, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_duration_seconds Histogram 10.2 Duration for successful requests (gitlab_transaction_* metrics) controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_event_build_found_total Counter 9.4 Counter for build found for API /jobs/request  
gitlab_transaction_event_build_invalid_total Counter 9.4 Counter for build invalid due to concurrency conflict for API /jobs/request  
gitlab_transaction_event_build_not_found_cached_total Counter 9.4 Counter for cached response of build not found for API /jobs/request  
gitlab_transaction_event_build_not_found_total Counter 9.4 Counter for build not found for API /jobs/request  
gitlab_transaction_event_change_default_branch_total Counter 9.4 Counter when default branch is changed for any repository  
gitlab_transaction_event_create_repository_total Counter 9.4 Counter when any repository is created  
gitlab_transaction_event_etag_caching_cache_hit_total Counter 9.4 Counter for ETag cache hit. endpoint
gitlab_transaction_event_etag_caching_header_missing_total Counter 9.4 Counter for ETag cache miss - header missing endpoint
gitlab_transaction_event_etag_caching_key_not_found_total Counter 9.4 Counter for ETag cache miss - key not found endpoint
gitlab_transaction_event_etag_caching_middleware_used_total Counter 9.4 Counter for ETag middleware accessed endpoint
gitlab_transaction_event_etag_caching_resource_changed_total Counter 9.4 Counter for ETag cache miss - resource changed endpoint
gitlab_transaction_event_fork_repository_total Counter 9.4 Counter for repository forks (RepositoryForkWorker). Only incremented when source repository exists  
gitlab_transaction_event_import_repository_total Counter 9.4 Counter for repository imports (RepositoryImportWorker)  
gitlab_transaction_event_patch_hard_limit_bytes_hit_total Counter 13.9 Counter for diff patch size limit hits  
gitlab_transaction_event_push_branch_total Counter 9.4 Counter for all branch pushes  
gitlab_transaction_event_rails_exception_total Counter 9.4 Counter for number of rails exceptions  
gitlab_transaction_event_receive_email_total Counter 9.4 Counter for received emails handler
gitlab_transaction_event_remove_branch_total Counter 9.4 Counter when a branch is removed for any repository  
gitlab_transaction_event_remove_repository_total Counter 9.4 Counter when a repository is removed  
gitlab_transaction_event_remove_tag_total Counter 9.4 Counter when a tag is remove for any repository  
gitlab_transaction_event_sidekiq_exception_total Counter 9.4 Counter of Sidekiq exceptions  
gitlab_transaction_event_stuck_import_jobs_total Counter 9.4 Count of stuck import jobs projects_without_jid_count, projects_with_jid_count
gitlab_transaction_event_update_build_total Counter 9.4 Counter for update build for API /jobs/request/:id  
gitlab_transaction_new_redis_connections_total Counter 9.4 Counter for new Redis connections  
gitlab_transaction_rails_queue_duration_total Counter 9.4 Measures latency between GitLab Workhorse forwarding a request to Rails controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_view_duration_total Counter 9.4 Duration for views controller, action, view, endpoint_id
gitlab_view_rendering_duration_seconds Histogram 10.2 Duration for views (histogram) controller, action, view, endpoint_id
http_requests_total Counter 9.4 Rack request count method, status
http_request_duration_seconds Histogram 9.4 HTTP response time from rack middleware for successful requests method
gitlab_transaction_db_count_total Counter 13.1 Counter for total number of SQL calls controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_db_<role>_count_total Counter 13.10 Counter for total number of SQL calls, grouped by database roles (primary/replica) controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_db_write_count_total Counter 13.1 Counter for total number of write SQL calls controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_db_cached_count_total Counter 13.1 Counter for total number of cached SQL calls controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_db_<role>_cached_count_total Counter 13.1 Counter for total number of cached SQL calls, grouped by database roles (primary/replica) controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_db_<role>_wal_count_total Counter 14.0 Counter for total number of WAL (write ahead log location) queries, grouped by database roles (primary/replica) controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_transaction_db_<role>_wal_cached_count_total Counter 14.1 Counter for total number of cached WAL (write ahead log location) queries, grouped by database roles (primary/replica) controller, action, endpoint_id
http_elasticsearch_requests_duration_seconds Histogram 13.1 Elasticsearch requests duration during web transactions. Premium and Ultimate only. controller, action, endpoint_id
http_elasticsearch_requests_total Counter 13.1 Elasticsearch requests count during web transactions. Premium and Ultimate only. controller, action, endpoint_id
pipelines_created_total Counter 9.4 Counter of pipelines created source, partition_id
rack_uncaught_errors_total Counter 9.4 Rack connections handling uncaught errors count  
user_session_logins_total Counter 9.4 Counter of how many users have logged in since GitLab was started or restarted  
upload_file_does_not_exist Counter 10.7 Number of times an upload record could not find its file.  
failed_login_captcha_total Gauge 11.0 Counter of failed CAPTCHA attempts during login  
successful_login_captcha_total Gauge 11.0 Counter of successful CAPTCHA attempts during login  
auto_devops_pipelines_completed_total Counter 12.7 Counter of completed Auto DevOps pipelines, labeled by status  
artifact_report_<report_type>_builds_completed_total Counter 15.3 Counter of completed CI Builds with report-type artifacts, grouped by report type and labeled by status  
gitlab_metrics_dashboard_processing_time_ms Summary 12.10 Metrics dashboard processing time in milliseconds service, stages
action_cable_active_connections Gauge 13.4 Number of ActionCable WS clients currently connected server_mode
action_cable_broadcasts_total Counter 13.10 The number of ActionCable broadcasts emitted server_mode
action_cable_pool_min_size Gauge 13.4 Minimum number of worker threads in ActionCable thread pool server_mode
action_cable_pool_max_size Gauge 13.4 Maximum number of worker threads in ActionCable thread pool server_mode
action_cable_pool_current_size Gauge 13.4 Current number of worker threads in ActionCable thread pool server_mode
action_cable_pool_largest_size Gauge 13.4 Largest number of worker threads observed so far in ActionCable thread pool server_mode
action_cable_pool_pending_tasks Gauge 13.4 Number of tasks waiting to be executed in ActionCable thread pool server_mode
action_cable_pool_tasks_total Gauge 13.4 Total number of tasks executed in ActionCable thread pool server_mode
gitlab_ci_trace_operations_total Counter 13.4 Total amount of different operations on a build trace operation
gitlab_ci_trace_bytes_total Counter 13.4 Total amount of build trace bytes transferred  
action_cable_single_client_transmissions_total Counter 13.10 The number of ActionCable messages transmitted to any client in any channel server_mode
action_cable_subscription_confirmations_total Counter 13.10 The number of ActionCable subscriptions from clients confirmed server_mode
action_cable_subscription_rejections_total Counter 13.10 The number of ActionCable subscriptions from clients rejected server_mode
action_cable_transmitted_bytes_total Counter 16.0 Total number of bytes transmitted over ActionCable operation, channel
gitlab_issuable_fast_count_by_state_total Counter 13.5 Total number of row count operations on the Issue and Merge request pages  
gitlab_issuable_fast_count_by_state_failures_total Counter 13.5 Number of soft-failed row count operations on the Issue and Merge request pages  
gitlab_ci_trace_finalize_duration_seconds Histogram 13.6 Duration of build trace chunks migration to object storage  
gitlab_vulnerability_report_branch_comparison_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.11 Execution duration of vulnerability report present on default branch SQL query  
gitlab_vulnerability_report_branch_comparison_cpu_duration_seconds Histogram 15.11 Execution duration of vulnerability report present on default branch SQL query  
gitlab_external_http_total Counter 13.8 Total number of HTTP calls to external systems controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_external_http_duration_seconds Counter 13.8 Duration in seconds spent on each HTTP call to external systems  
gitlab_external_http_exception_total Counter 13.8 Total number of exceptions raised when making external HTTP calls  
ci_report_parser_duration_seconds Histogram 13.9 Time to parse CI/CD report artifacts parser
pipeline_graph_link_calculation_duration_seconds Histogram 13.9 Total time spent calculating links, in seconds  
pipeline_graph_links_total Histogram 13.9 Number of links per graph  
pipeline_graph_links_per_job_ratio Histogram 13.9 Ratio of links to job per graph  
gitlab_ci_pipeline_security_orchestration_policy_processing_duration_seconds Histogram 13.12 Time in seconds it takes to process Security Policies in CI/CD pipeline  
gitlab_spamcheck_request_duration_seconds Histogram 13.12 The duration for requests between Rails and the anti-spam engine  
service_desk_thank_you_email Counter 14.0 Total number of email responses to new Service Desk emails  
service_desk_new_note_email Counter 14.0 Total number of email notifications on new Service Desk comment  
email_receiver_error Counter 14.1 Total number of errors when processing incoming emails  
gitlab_snowplow_events_total Counter 14.1 Total number of GitLab Snowplow Analytics Instrumentation events emitted  
gitlab_snowplow_failed_events_total Counter 14.1 Total number of GitLab Snowplow Analytics Instrumentation events emission failures  
gitlab_snowplow_successful_events_total Counter 14.1 Total number of GitLab Snowplow Analytics Instrumentation events emission successes  
gitlab_ci_build_trace_errors_total Counter 14.4 Total amount of different error types on a build trace error_reason
gitlab_presentable_object_cacheless_render_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.3 Duration of real time spent caching and representing specific web request objects controller, action, endpoint_id
cached_object_operations_total Counter 15.3 Total number of objects cached for specific web requests controller, action, endpoint_id
redis_hit_miss_operations_total Counter 15.6 Total number of Redis cache hits and misses cache_hit, cache_identifier, feature_category, backing_resource
redis_cache_generation_duration_seconds Histogram 15.6 Time to generate Redis cache cache_hit, cache_identifier, feature_category, backing_resource
gitlab_diffs_reorder_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spend on reordering of diff files on diffs batch request controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_diffs_collection_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spent on querying merge request diff files on diffs batch request controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_diffs_comparison_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spent on getting comparison data on diffs batch request controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_diffs_unfoldable_positions_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spent on getting unfoldable note positions on diffs batch request controller, action
gitlab_diffs_unfold_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spent on unfolding positions on diffs batch request controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_diffs_write_cache_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spent on caching highlighted lines and stats on diffs batch request controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_diffs_highlight_cache_decorate_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spent on setting highlighted lines from cache on diffs batch request controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_diffs_render_real_duration_seconds Histogram 15.8 Duration in seconds spent on serializing and rendering diffs on diffs batch request controller, action, endpoint_id
gitlab_memwd_violations_total Counter 15.9 Total number of times a Ruby process violated a memory threshold  
gitlab_memwd_violations_handled_total Counter 15.9 Total number of times Ruby process memory violations were handled  
gitlab_sli_rails_request_apdex_total Counter 14.4 Total number of request Apdex measurements. For more information, see Rails request SLIs endpoint_id, feature_category, request_urgency
gitlab_sli_rails_request_apdex_success_total Counter 14.4 Total number of successful requests that met the target duration for their urgency. Divide by gitlab_sli_rails_requests_apdex_total to get a success ratio endpoint_id, feature_category, request_urgency
gitlab_sli_rails_request_error_total Counter 15.7 Total number of request error measurements. For more information, see Rails request SLIs endpoint_id, feature_category, request_urgency, error
job_register_attempts_failed_total Counter 9.5 Counts the times a runner fails to register a job  
job_register_attempts_total Counter 9.5 Counts the times a runner tries to register a job  
job_queue_duration_seconds Histogram 9.5 Request handling execution time  
gitlab_ci_queue_operations_total Counter 16.3 Counts all the operations that are happening inside a queue  
gitlab_ci_queue_depth_total Histogram 16.3 Size of a CI/CD builds queue in relation to the operation result  
gitlab_ci_queue_size_total Histogram 16.3 Size of initialized CI/CD builds queue  
gitlab_ci_current_queue_size Gauge 16.3 Current size of initialized CI/CD builds queue  
gitlab_ci_queue_iteration_duration_seconds Histogram 16.3 Time it takes to find a build in CI/CD queue  
gitlab_ci_queue_retrieval_duration_seconds Histogram 16.3 Time it takes to execute a SQL query to retrieve builds queue  
gitlab_connection_pool_size Gauge 16.7 Size of connection pool  
gitlab_connection_pool_available_count Gauge 16.7 Number of available connections in the pool  
gitlab_security_policies_scan_result_process_duration_seconds Histogram 16.7 The amount of time to process merge request approval policies  
gitlab_security_policies_scan_execution_configuration_rendering_seconds Histogram 17.3 The amount of time to render scan execution policy CI configurations  
gitlab_highlight_usage Counter 16.8 The number of times Gitlab::Highlight is used used_on
dependency_linker_usage Counter 16.8 The number of times dependency linker is used used_on
gitlab_keeparound_refs_requested_total Counter 16.10 Counts the number of keep-around refs requested to be created source
gitlab_keeparound_refs_created_total Counter 16.10 Counts the number of keep-around refs actually created source
search_advanced_index_repair_total Counter 17.3 Counts the number of index repair operations document_type
search_advanced_boolean_settings Gauge 17.3 Current state of Advanced search boolean settings name
gitlab_http_router_rule_total Counter 17.4 Counts occurrences of HTTP Router rule’s rule_action and rule_type rule_action, rule_type

Metrics controlled by a feature flag

The following metrics can be controlled by feature flags:

Metric Feature flag
gitlab_view_rendering_duration_seconds prometheus_metrics_view_instrumentation
gitlab_ci_queue_depth_total gitlab_ci_builds_queuing_metrics
gitlab_ci_queue_size gitlab_ci_builds_queuing_metrics
gitlab_ci_queue_size_total gitlab_ci_builds_queuing_metrics
gitlab_ci_queue_iteration_duration_seconds gitlab_ci_builds_queuing_metrics
gitlab_ci_current_queue_size gitlab_ci_builds_queuing_metrics
gitlab_ci_queue_retrieval_duration_seconds gitlab_ci_builds_queuing_metrics
gitlab_ci_queue_active_runners_total gitlab_ci_builds_queuing_metrics

Praefect metrics

You can configure Praefect to report metrics. For information on available metrics, see the relevant documentation.

Sidekiq metrics

Sidekiq jobs may also gather metrics, and these metrics can be accessed if the Sidekiq exporter is enabled: for example, using the monitoring.sidekiq_exporter configuration option in gitlab.yml. These metrics are served from the /metrics path on the configured port.

Metric Type Since Description Labels
sidekiq_jobs_cpu_seconds Histogram 12.4 Seconds of CPU time to run Sidekiq job queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_completion_seconds Histogram 12.2 Seconds to complete Sidekiq job queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_db_seconds Histogram 12.9 Seconds of DB time to run Sidekiq job queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_gitaly_seconds Histogram 12.9 Seconds of Gitaly time to run Sidekiq job queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_redis_requests_duration_seconds Histogram 13.1 Duration in seconds that a Sidekiq job spent querying a Redis server queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_elasticsearch_requests_duration_seconds Histogram 13.1 Duration in seconds that a Sidekiq job spent in requests to an Elasticsearch server queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_queue_duration_seconds Histogram 12.5 Duration in seconds that a Sidekiq job was queued before being executed queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_failed_total Counter 12.2 Sidekiq jobs failed queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_retried_total Counter 12.2 Sidekiq jobs retried queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_interrupted_total Counter 15.2 Sidekiq jobs interrupted queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_dead_total Counter 13.7 Sidekiq dead jobs (jobs that have run out of retries) queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, urgency
sidekiq_redis_requests_total Counter 13.1 Redis requests during a Sidekiq job execution queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_elasticsearch_requests_total Counter 13.1 Elasticsearch requests during a Sidekiq job execution queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency
sidekiq_jobs_skipped_total Counter 16.2 Number of jobs being skipped (dropped or deferred) when drop_sidekiq_jobs feature flag is enabled or run_sidekiq_jobs feature flag is disabled worker, action
sidekiq_running_jobs Gauge 12.2 Number of Sidekiq jobs running queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, urgency
sidekiq_concurrency Gauge 12.5 Maximum number of Sidekiq jobs  
sidekiq_mem_total_bytes Gauge 15.3 Number of bytes allocated for both objects consuming an object slot and objects that required a malloc’  
sidekiq_concurrency_limit_queue_jobs Gauge 17.3 Number of Sidekiq jobs waiting in the concurrency limit queue worker
sidekiq_concurrency_limit_max_concurrent_jobs Gauge 17.3 Max number of concurrent running Sidekiq jobs worker
sidekiq_concurrency_limit_deferred_jobs_total Counter 17.3 Total number of deferred Sidekiq jobs worker
geo_db_replication_lag_seconds Gauge 10.2 Database replication lag (seconds) url
geo_repositories Gauge 10.2 Deprecated for removal in 18.0. Replaced by geo_project_repositories. Total number of repositories available on primary url
geo_lfs_objects Gauge 10.2 Number of LFS objects on primary url
geo_lfs_objects_checksummed Gauge 14.6 Number of LFS objects checksummed successfully on primary url
geo_lfs_objects_checksum_failed Gauge 14.6 Number of LFS objects failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_lfs_objects_checksum_total Gauge 14.6 Number of LFS objects that need to be checksummed on primary url
geo_lfs_objects_synced Gauge 10.2 Number of syncable LFS objects synced on secondary url
geo_lfs_objects_failed Gauge 10.2 Number of syncable LFS objects failed to sync on secondary url
geo_lfs_objects_registry Gauge 14.6 Number of LFS objects in the registry url
geo_lfs_objects_verified Gauge 14.6 Number of LFS objects successfully verified on secondary url
geo_lfs_objects_verification_failed Gauge 14.6 Number of LFS objects that failed verifications on secondary url
geo_lfs_objects_verification_total Gauge 14.6 Number of LFS objects to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_last_event_id Gauge 10.2 Database ID of the latest event log entry on the primary url
geo_last_event_timestamp Gauge 10.2 UNIX timestamp of the latest event log entry on the primary url
geo_cursor_last_event_id Gauge 10.2 Last database ID of the event log processed by the secondary url
geo_cursor_last_event_timestamp Gauge 10.2 Last UNIX timestamp of the event log processed by the secondary url
geo_status_failed_total Counter 10.2 Number of times retrieving the status from the Geo Node failed url
geo_last_successful_status_check_timestamp Gauge 10.2 Last timestamp when the status was successfully updated url
geo_package_files Gauge 13.0 Number of package files on primary url
geo_package_files_checksummed Gauge 13.0 Number of package files checksummed on primary url
geo_package_files_checksum_failed Gauge 13.0 Number of package files failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_package_files_synced Gauge 13.3 Number of syncable package files synced on secondary url
geo_package_files_failed Gauge 13.3 Number of syncable package files failed to sync on secondary url
geo_package_files_registry Gauge 13.3 Number of package files in the registry url
geo_terraform_state_versions Gauge 13.5 Number of terraform state versions on primary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_checksummed Gauge 13.5 Number of terraform state versions checksummed successfully on primary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_checksum_failed Gauge 13.5 Number of terraform state versions failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_checksum_total Gauge 13.12 Number of terraform state versions that need to be checksummed on primary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_synced Gauge 13.5 Number of syncable terraform state versions synced on secondary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_failed Gauge 13.5 Number of syncable terraform state versions failed to sync on secondary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_registry Gauge 13.5 Number of terraform state versions in the registry url
geo_terraform_state_versions_verified Gauge 13.12 Number of terraform state versions successfully verified on secondary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_verification_failed Gauge 13.12 Number of terraform state versions that failed verification on secondary url
geo_terraform_state_versions_verification_total Gauge 13.12 Number of terraform state versions to attempt to verify on secondary url
global_search_bulk_cron_queue_size Gauge 12.10 Number of database records waiting to be synchronized to Elasticsearch  
global_search_awaiting_indexing_queue_size Gauge 13.2 Number of database updates waiting to be synchronized to Elasticsearch while indexing is paused  
geo_merge_request_diffs Gauge 13.4 Number of merge request diffs on primary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_checksum_total Gauge 13.12 Number of merge request diffs to checksum on primary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_checksummed Gauge 13.4 Number of merge request diffs that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_checksum_failed Gauge 13.4 Number of merge request diffs failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_synced Gauge 13.4 Number of syncable merge request diffs synced on secondary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_failed Gauge 13.4 Number of syncable merge request diffs failed to sync on secondary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_registry Gauge 13.4 Number of merge request diffs in the registry url
geo_merge_request_diffs_verification_total Gauge 13.12 Number of merge request diffs to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_verified Gauge 13.12 Number of merge request diffs successfully verified on secondary url
geo_merge_request_diffs_verification_failed Gauge 13.12 Number of merge request diffs that failed verification on secondary url
geo_snippet_repositories Gauge 13.4 Number of snippets on primary url
geo_snippet_repositories_checksummed Gauge 13.4 Number of snippets checksummed on primary url
geo_snippet_repositories_checksum_failed Gauge 13.4 Number of snippets failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_snippet_repositories_synced Gauge 13.4 Number of syncable snippets synced on secondary url
geo_snippet_repositories_failed Gauge 13.4 Number of syncable snippets failed on secondary url
geo_snippet_repositories_registry Gauge 13.4 Number of syncable snippets in the registry url
geo_group_wiki_repositories Gauge 13.10 Number of group wikis on primary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_checksum_total Gauge 16.3 Number of group wikis to checksum on primary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_checksummed Gauge 13.10 Number of group wikis that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_checksum_failed Gauge 13.10 Number of group wikis that failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_synced Gauge 13.10 Number of syncable group wikis synced on secondary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_failed Gauge 13.10 Number of syncable group wikis failed to sync on secondary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_registry Gauge 13.10 Number of group wikis in the registry url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_verification_total Gauge 16.3 Number of group wikis to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_verified Gauge 16.3 Number of group wikis successfully verified on secondary url
geo_group_wiki_repositories_verification_failed Gauge 16.3 Number of group wikis that failed verification on secondary url
geo_pages_deployments Gauge 14.3 Number of pages deployments on primary url
geo_pages_deployments_checksum_total Gauge 14.6 Number of pages deployments to checksum on primary url
geo_pages_deployments_checksummed Gauge 14.6 Number of pages deployments that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_pages_deployments_checksum_failed Gauge 14.6 Number of pages deployments failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_pages_deployments_synced Gauge 14.3 Number of syncable pages deployments synced on secondary url
geo_pages_deployments_failed Gauge 14.3 Number of syncable pages deployments failed to sync on secondary url
geo_pages_deployments_registry Gauge 14.3 Number of pages deployments in the registry url
geo_pages_deployments_verification_total Gauge 14.6 Number of pages deployments to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_pages_deployments_verified Gauge 14.6 Number of pages deployments successfully verified on secondary url
geo_pages_deployments_verification_failed Gauge 14.6 Number of pages deployments verifications failed on secondary url
geo_job_artifacts Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts on primary url
geo_job_artifacts_checksum_total Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts to checksum on primary url
geo_job_artifacts_checksummed Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_job_artifacts_checksum_failed Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_job_artifacts_synced Gauge 14.8 Number of syncable job artifacts synced on secondary url
geo_job_artifacts_failed Gauge 14.8 Number of syncable job artifacts failed to sync on secondary url
geo_job_artifacts_registry Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts in the registry url
geo_job_artifacts_verification_total Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_job_artifacts_verified Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts successfully verified on secondary url
geo_job_artifacts_verification_failed Gauge 14.8 Number of job artifacts that failed verification on secondary url
limited_capacity_worker_running_jobs Gauge 13.5 Number of running jobs worker
limited_capacity_worker_max_running_jobs Gauge 13.5 Maximum number of running jobs worker
limited_capacity_worker_remaining_work_count Gauge 13.5 Number of jobs waiting to be enqueued worker
destroyed_job_artifacts_count_total Counter 13.6 Number of destroyed expired job artifacts  
destroyed_pipeline_artifacts_count_total Counter 13.8 Number of destroyed expired pipeline artifacts  
gitlab_optimistic_locking_retries Histogram 13.10 Number of retry attempts to execute optimistic retry lock  
geo_uploads Gauge 14.1 Number of uploads on primary url
geo_uploads_synced Gauge 14.1 Number of uploads synced on secondary url
geo_uploads_failed Gauge 14.1 Number of syncable uploads failed to sync on secondary url
geo_uploads_registry Gauge 14.1 Number of uploads in the registry url
geo_uploads_checksum_total Gauge 14.6 Number of uploads to checksum on primary url
geo_uploads_checksummed Gauge 14.6 Number of uploads that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_uploads_checksum_failed Gauge 14.6 Number of uploads failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_uploads_verification_total Gauge 14.6 Number of uploads to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_uploads_verified Gauge 14.6 Number of uploads successfully verified on secondary url
geo_uploads_verification_failed Gauge 14.6 Number of uploads that failed verification on secondary url
geo_container_repositories Gauge 15.4 Number of container repositories on primary url
geo_container_repositories_synced Gauge 15.4 Number of container repositories synced on secondary url
geo_container_repositories_failed Gauge 15.4 Number of syncable container repositories failed to sync on secondary url
geo_container_repositories_registry Gauge 15.4 Number of container repositories in the registry url
geo_container_repositories_checksum_total Gauge 15.10 Number of container repositories checksummed successfully on primary url
geo_container_repositories_checksummed Gauge 15.10 Number of container repositories tried to checksum on primary url
geo_container_repositories_checksum_failed Gauge 15.10 Number of container repositories failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_container_repositories_verification_total Gauge 15.10 Number of container repositories’ verifications tried on secondary url
geo_container_repositories_verified Gauge 15.10 Number of container repositories verified on secondary url
geo_container_repositories_verification_failed Gauge 15.10 Number of container repositories’ failed verifications on secondary url
geo_ci_secure_files Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files on primary url
geo_ci_secure_files_checksum_total Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files to checksum on primary url
geo_ci_secure_files_checksummed Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_ci_secure_files_checksum_failed Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_ci_secure_files_synced Gauge 15.3 Number of syncable secure files synced on secondary url
geo_ci_secure_files_failed Gauge 15.3 Number of syncable secure files failed to sync on secondary url
geo_ci_secure_files_registry Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files in the registry url
geo_ci_secure_files_verification_total Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_ci_secure_files_verified Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files successfully verified on secondary url
geo_ci_secure_files_verification_failed Gauge 15.3 Number of secure files that failed verification on secondary url
geo_dependency_proxy_blob Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs on primary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_checksum_total Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs to checksum on primary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_checksummed Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs that successfully calculated the checksum on primary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_checksum_failed Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs failed to calculate the checksum on primary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_synced Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs synced on secondary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_failed Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs failed to sync on secondary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_registry Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs in the registry  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_verification_total Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs to attempt to verify on secondary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_verified Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs successfully verified on secondary  
geo_dependency_proxy_blob_verification_failed Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy blobs that failed verification on secondary  
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests on primary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_checksum_total Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests to checksum on primary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_checksummed Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_checksum_failed Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_synced Gauge 15.6 Number of syncable dependency proxy manifests synced on secondary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_failed Gauge 15.6 Number of syncable dependency proxy manifests failed to sync on secondary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_registry Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests in the registry url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_verification_total Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_verified Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests successfully verified on secondary url
geo_dependency_proxy_manifests_verification_failed Gauge 15.6 Number of dependency proxy manifests that failed verification on secondary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories on primary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_checksum_total Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories to checksum on primary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_checksummed Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_checksum_failed Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories that failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_synced Gauge 15.10 Number of syncable Project Wiki Repositories synced on secondary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_failed Gauge 15.10 Number of syncable Project Wiki Repositories failed to sync on secondary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_registry Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories in the registry url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_verification_total Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_verified Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories successfully verified on secondary url
geo_project_wiki_repositories_verification_failed Gauge 15.10 Number of Project Wiki Repositories that failed verification on secondary url
geo_project_repositories Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories on primary url
geo_project_repositories_checksum_total Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories to checksum on primary url
geo_project_repositories_checksummed Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories that successfully calculated the checksum on primary url
geo_project_repositories_checksum_failed Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories that failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_project_repositories_synced Gauge 16.2 Number of syncable Project Repositories synced on secondary url
geo_project_repositories_failed Gauge 16.2 Number of syncable Project Repositories failed to sync on secondary url
geo_project_repositories_registry Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories in the registry url
geo_project_repositories_verification_total Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories to attempt to verify on secondary url
geo_project_repositories_verified Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories successfully verified on secondary url
geo_project_repositories_verification_failed Gauge 16.2 Number of Project Repositories that failed verification on secondary url
geo_repositories_synced Gauge 10.2 Deprecated for removal in 17.0. Missing in 16.3 and 16.4. Replaced by geo_project_repositories_synced. Number of repositories synced on secondary url
geo_repositories_failed Gauge 10.2 Deprecated for removal in 17.0. Missing in 16.3 and 16.4. Replaced by geo_project_repositories_failed. Number of repositories failed to sync on secondary url
geo_repositories_checksummed Gauge 10.7 Deprecated for removal in 17.0. Missing in 16.3 and 16.4. Replaced by geo_project_repositories_checksummed. Number of repositories checksummed on primary url
geo_repositories_checksum_failed Gauge 10.7 Deprecated for removal in 17.0. Missing in 16.3 and 16.4. Replaced by geo_project_repositories_checksum_failed. Number of repositories failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_repositories_verified Gauge 10.7 Deprecated for removal in 17.0. Missing in 16.3 and 16.4. Replaced by geo_project_repositories_verified. Number of repositories successfully verified on secondary url
geo_repositories_verification_failed Gauge 10.7 Deprecated for removal in 17.0. Missing in 16.3 and 16.4. Replaced by geo_project_repositories_verification_failed. Number of repositories that failed verification on secondary url
gitlab_memwd_violations_total Counter 15.9 Total number of times a Sidekiq process violated a memory threshold  
gitlab_memwd_violations_handled_total Counter 15.9 Total number of times Sidekiq process memory violations were handled  
sidekiq_watchdog_running_jobs_total Counter 15.9 Current running jobs when RSS limit was reached worker_class
gitlab_maintenance_mode Gauge 15.11 Is GitLab Maintenance Mode enabled?  
geo_design_management_repositories Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories on primary url
geo_design_management_repositories_checksum_total Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories tried to checksum on primary url
geo_design_management_repositories_checksummed Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories successfully checksummed on primary url
geo_design_management_repositories_checksum_failed Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories failed to calculate the checksum on primary url
geo_design_management_repositories_synced Gauge 16.1 Number of syncable design repositories synced on secondary url
geo_design_management_repositories_failed Gauge 16.1 Number of syncable design repositories failed to sync on secondary url
geo_design_management_repositories_registry Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories in the registry url
geo_design_management_repositories_verification_total Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories verifications tried on secondary url
geo_design_management_repositories_verified Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories verified on secondary url
geo_design_management_repositories_verification_failed Gauge 16.1 Number of design repositories verifications failed on secondary url
gitlab_ci_queue_active_runners_total Histogram 16.3 The number of active runners that can process the CI/CD queue in a project  
gitlab_transaction_event_remote_mirrors_failed_total Counter 10.8 Counter for failed remote mirrors  
gitlab_transaction_event_remote_mirrors_finished_total Counter 10.8 Counter for finished remote mirrors  
gitlab_transaction_event_remote_mirrors_running_total Counter 10.8 Counter for running remote mirrors  

Database load balancing metrics

Tier: Premium, Ultimate Offering: Self-managed

The following metrics are available:

Metric Type Since Description Labels
db_load_balancing_hosts Gauge 12.3 Current number of load balancing hosts  
sidekiq_load_balancing_count Counter 13.11 Sidekiq jobs using load balancing with data consistency set to :sticky or :delayed queue, boundary, external_dependencies, feature_category, job_status, urgency, data_consistency, load_balancing_strategy
gitlab_transaction_caught_up_replica_pick_count_total Counter 14.1 Number of search attempts for caught up replica result

Database partitioning metrics

Tier: Premium, Ultimate Offering: Self-managed

The following metrics are available:

Metric Type Since Description
db_partitions_present Gauge 13.4 Number of database partitions present
db_partitions_missing Gauge 13.4 Number of database partitions currently expected, but not present

Connection pool metrics

These metrics record the status of the database connection pools, and the metrics all have these labels:

  • class - the Ruby class being recorded.
    • ActiveRecord::Base is the main database connection.
    • Geo::TrackingBase is the connection to the Geo tracking database, if enabled.
  • host - the host name used to connect to the database.
  • port - the port used to connect to the database.
Metric Type Since Description
gitlab_database_connection_pool_size Gauge 13.0 Total connection pool capacity
gitlab_database_connection_pool_connections Gauge 13.0 Current connections in the pool
gitlab_database_connection_pool_busy Gauge 13.0 Connections in use where the owner is still alive
gitlab_database_connection_pool_dead Gauge 13.0 Connections in use where the owner is not alive
gitlab_database_connection_pool_idle Gauge 13.0 Connections not in use
gitlab_database_connection_pool_waiting Gauge 13.0 Threads currently waiting on this queue

Ruby metrics

Some basic Ruby runtime metrics are available:

Metric Type Since Description
ruby_gc_duration_seconds Counter 11.1 Time spent by Ruby in GC
ruby_gc_stat_... Gauge 11.1 Various metrics from GC.stat
ruby_gc_stat_ext_heap_fragmentation Gauge 15.2 Degree of Ruby heap fragmentation as live objects versus eden slots (range 0 to 1)
ruby_file_descriptors Gauge 11.1 File descriptors per process
ruby_sampler_duration_seconds Counter 11.1 Time spent collecting stats
ruby_process_cpu_seconds_total Gauge 12.0 Total amount of CPU time per process
ruby_process_max_fds Gauge 12.0 Maximum number of open file descriptors per process
ruby_process_resident_memory_bytes Gauge 12.0 Memory usage by process (RSS/Resident Set Size)
ruby_process_resident_anon_memory_bytes Gauge 15.6 Anonymous memory usage by process (RSS/Resident Set Size)
ruby_process_resident_file_memory_bytes Gauge 15.6 File-backed memory usage by process (RSS/Resident Set Size)
ruby_process_unique_memory_bytes Gauge 13.0 Memory usage by process (USS/Unique Set Size)
ruby_process_proportional_memory_bytes Gauge 13.0 Memory usage by process (PSS/Proportional Set Size)
ruby_process_start_time_seconds Gauge 12.0 UNIX timestamp of process start time

Puma Metrics

Metric Type Since Description
puma_workers Gauge 12.0 Total number of workers
puma_running_workers Gauge 12.0 Number of booted workers
puma_stale_workers Gauge 12.0 Number of old workers
puma_running Gauge 12.0 Number of running threads
puma_queued_connections Gauge 12.0 Number of connections in that worker’s “to do” set waiting for a worker thread
puma_active_connections Gauge 12.0 Number of threads processing a request
puma_pool_capacity Gauge 12.0 Number of requests the worker is capable of taking right now
puma_max_threads Gauge 12.0 Maximum number of worker threads
puma_idle_threads Gauge 12.0 Number of spawned threads which are not processing a request

Redis metrics

These client metrics are meant to complement Redis server metrics. These metrics are broken down per Redis instance. These metrics all have a storage label which indicates the Redis instance. For example, cache or shared_state.

Metric Type Since Description
gitlab_redis_client_exceptions_total Counter 13.2 Number of Redis client exceptions, broken down by exception class
gitlab_redis_client_requests_total Counter 13.2 Number of Redis client requests
gitlab_redis_client_requests_duration_seconds Histogram 13.2 Redis request latency, excluding blocking commands
gitlab_redis_client_redirections_total Counter 15.10 Number of Redis Cluster MOVED/ASK redirections, broken down by redirection type
gitlab_redis_client_requests_pipelined_commands Histogram 16.4 Number of commands per pipeline sent to a single Redis server
gitlab_redis_client_pipeline_redirections_count Histogram 17.0 Number of Redis Cluster redirections in a pipeline

Git LFS metrics

Metrics to track various Git LFS functionality.

Metric Type Since Description
gitlab_sli_lfs_update_objects_total Counter 16.10 Number of updated LFS objects in total
gitlab_sli_lfs_update_objects_error_total Counter 16.10 Number of updated LFS object errors in total
gitlab_sli_lfs_check_objects_total Counter 16.10 Number of check LFS objects in total
gitlab_sli_lfs_check_objects_error_total Counter 16.10 Number of check LFS object errors in total
gitlab_sli_lfs_validate_link_objects_total Counter 16.10 Number of validated LFS linked objects in total
gitlab_sli_lfs_validate_link_objects_error_total Counter 16.10 Number of validated LFS linked object errors in total

Metrics shared directory

The GitLab Prometheus client requires a directory to store metrics data shared between multi-process services. Those files are shared among all instances running under Puma server. The directory must be accessible to all running Puma’s processes, or metrics can’t function correctly.

This directory’s location is configured using environment variable prometheus_multiproc_dir. For best performance, create this directory in tmpfs.

If GitLab is installed using the Linux package and tmpfs is available, then GitLab configures the metrics directory for you.