Deploy tokens

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

You can use a deploy token to enable authentication of deployment tasks, independent of a user account. In most cases you use a deploy token from an external host, like a build server or CI/CD server.

With a deploy token, automated tasks can:

  • Clone Git repositories.
  • Pull from and push to a GitLab container registry.
  • Pull from and push to a GitLab package registry.

A deploy token is a pair of values:

  • username: username in the HTTP authentication framework. The default username format is gitlab+deploy-token-{n}. You can specify a custom username when you create the deploy token.
  • token: password in the HTTP authentication framework.

Deploy tokens do not support SSH authentication.

You can use a deploy token for HTTP authentication to the following endpoints:

You can create deploy tokens at either the project or group level:

  • Project deploy token: Permissions apply only to the project.
  • Group deploy token: Permissions apply to all projects in the group.

By default, a deploy token does not expire. You can optionally set an expiry date when you create it. Expiry occurs at midnight UTC on that date.

You cannot use new or existing deploy tokens for Git operations and package registry operations if external authorization is enabled.


A deploy token’s scope determines the actions it can perform.

Scope Description
read_repository Read-only access to the repository using git clone.
read_registry Read-only access to the images in the project’s container registry.
write_registry Write access (push) to the project’s container registry. You need both read and write access to push images.
read_package_registry Read-only access to the project’s package registry.
write_package_registry Write access to the project’s package registry.

GitLab deploy token


A GitLab deploy token is a special type of deploy token. If you create a deploy token named gitlab-deploy-token, the deploy token is automatically exposed to the CI/CD jobs as variables, for use in a CI/CD pipeline:

  • CI_DEPLOY_USER: Username

For example, to use a GitLab token to sign in to your GitLab container registry:

echo "$CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD" | docker login $CI_REGISTRY -u $CI_DEPLOY_USER --password-stdin
In GitLab 15.0 and earlier, the special handling for the gitlab-deploy-token deploy token does not work for group deploy tokens. To make a group deploy token available for CI/CD jobs, set the CI_DEPLOY_USER and CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD CI/CD variables in Settings > CI/CD > Variables to the name and token of the group deploy token.

GitLab deploy token security

GitLab deploy tokens are long-lived, making them attractive for attackers.

To prevent leaking the deploy token, you should also configure your runners to be secure:

  • Avoid using Docker privileged mode if the machines are re-used.
  • Avoid using the shell executor when jobs run on the same machine.

An insecure GitLab Runner configuration increases the risk that someone can steal tokens from other jobs.

GitLab public API

Deploy tokens can’t be used with the GitLab public API. However, you can use deploy tokens with some endpoints, such as those from the package registry. You can tell an endpoint belongs to the package registry because the URL has the string packages/<format>. For example: For more information, see Authenticate with the registry.

Create a deploy token

Create a deploy token to automate deployment tasks that can run independently of a user account.


  • To create a group deploy token, you must have the Owner role for the group.
  • To create a project deploy token, you must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.
  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project or group.
  2. Select Settings > Repository.
  3. Expand Deploy tokens.
  4. Select Add token.
  5. Complete the fields, and select the desired scopes.
  6. Select Create deploy token.

Record the deploy token’s values. After you leave or refresh the page, you cannot access it again.

Revoke a deploy token

Revoke a token when it’s no longer required.


  • To revoke a group deploy token, you must have the Owner role for the group.
  • To revoke a project deploy token, you must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.

To revoke a deploy token:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project or group.
  2. Select Settings > Repository.
  3. Expand Deploy tokens.
  4. In the Active Deploy Tokens section, by the token you want to revoke, select Revoke.

Clone a repository

You can use a deploy token to clone a repository.


  • A deploy token with the read_repository scope.

Example of using a deploy token to clone a repository:

git clone https://<username>:<deploy_token>

Pull images from a container registry

You can use a deploy token to pull images from a container registry.


  • A deploy token with the read_registry scope.

Example of using a deploy token to pull images from a container registry:

echo "$DEPLOY_TOKEN" | docker login -u <username> --password-stdin

Push images to a container registry

You can use a deploy token to push images to a container registry.


  • A deploy token with the read_registry and write_registry scope.

Example of using a deploy token to push an image to a container registry:

echo "$DEPLOY_TOKEN" | docker login -u <username> --password-stdin

Pull packages from a package registry

You can use a deploy token to pull packages from a package registry.


  • A deploy token with the read_package_registry scope.

For the package type of your choice, follow the authentication instructions for deploy tokens.

Example of installing a NuGet package from a GitLab registry:

nuget source Add -Name GitLab -Source "" -UserName <username> -Password <deploy_token>
nuget install mypkg.nupkg

Push packages to a package registry

You can use a deploy token to push packages to a GitLab package registry.


  • A deploy token with the write_package_registry scope.

For the package type of your choice, follow the authentication instructions for deploy tokens.

Example of publishing a NuGet package to a package registry:

nuget source Add -Name GitLab -Source "" -UserName <username> -Password <deploy_token>
nuget push mypkg.nupkg -Source GitLab

Pull images from the dependency proxy

You can use a deploy token to pull images from the dependency proxy.


  • A deploy token with read_registry and write_registry scopes.

Follow the dependency proxy authentication instructions.