Pipeline execution policies

Tier: Ultimate Offering: GitLab.com, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated
The availability of this feature is controlled by a feature flag. For more information, see the history.

Use Pipeline execution policies to enforce CI/CD jobs for all applicable projects.

Pipeline execution policies schema


The YAML file with pipeline execution policies consists of an array of objects matching pipeline execution policy schema nested under the pipeline_execution_policy key. You can configure a maximum of five policies under the pipeline_execution_policy key. Any other policies configured after the first five are not applied.

When you save a new policy, GitLab validates its contents against this JSON schema. If you’re not familiar with how to read JSON schemas, the following sections and tables provide an alternative.

Field Type Required Description
pipeline_execution_policy array of pipeline execution policy true List of pipeline execution policies (maximum five)

Pipeline execution policy schema

Field Type Required Description
name string true Name of the policy. Maximum of 255 characters.
description (optional) string true Description of the policy.
enabled boolean true Flag to enable (true) or disable (false) the policy.
content object of content true Reference to the CI/CD configuration to inject into project pipelines.
pipeline_config_strategy string false Can either be inject_ci or override_project_ci. See Pipeline strategies for more information.
suffix string false Can either be on_conflict (default), or never. Defines the behavior for handling job naming conflicts. on_conflict applies a unique suffix to the job names for jobs that would break the uniqueness. never causes the pipeline to fail if the job names across the project and all applicable policies are not unique.
policy_scope object of policy_scope false Scopes the policy based on compliance framework labels or projects you define.

Note the following:

  • Users triggering a pipeline must have at least read access to the pipeline execution file specified in the pipeline execution policy, otherwise the pipelines do not start.
  • If the pipeline execution file gets deleted or renamed, the pipelines in projects with the policy enforced might stop working.
  • Pipeline execution policy jobs can be assigned to one of the two reserved stages:
    • .pipeline-policy-pre at the beginning of the pipeline, before the .pre stage.
    • .pipeline-policy-post at the very end of the pipeline, after the .post stage.
  • Injecting jobs in any of the reserved stages is guaranteed to always work. Execution policy jobs can also be assigned to any standard (build, test, deploy) or user-declared stages. However, in this case, the jobs may be ignored depending on the project pipeline configuration.
  • It is not possible to assign jobs to reserved stages outside of a pipeline execution policy.
  • You should choose unique job names for pipeline execution policies. Some CI/CD configurations are based on job names and it can lead to unwanted results if a job exists multiple times in the same pipeline. The needs keyword, for example makes one job dependent on another. In case of multiple jobs with the same name, it will randomly depend on one of them.
  • Pipeline execution policies remain in effect even if the project lacks a CI/CD configuration file.
  • The order of the policies matters for the applied suffix.
  • If any policy applied to a given project has suffix: never, the pipeline fails if another job with the same name is already present in the pipeline.

Job naming best practice

  • Naming conflict handling introduced in GitLab 17.4.

There is no visible indicator for jobs coming from a security policy. Adding a unique prefix or suffix to job names makes it easier to identify them and avoid job name collisions.


  • policy1:deployments:sast - good, unique across policies and projects.
  • sast - bad, likely to be used elsewhere.

Pipeline execution policies handles naming conflicts depending on the suffix attribute. If there are multiple name with the same job:

  • Using on_conflict (default), a suffix is added to a job if its name conflicts with another job in the pipeline.
  • Using never, no suffix is added in case of conflicts and the pipeline fails.

The suffix is added based on the order in which the jobs are merged onto the main pipeline.

The order is as follows:

  1. Project pipeline jobs
  2. Project policy jobs (if applicable)
  3. Group policy jobs (if applicable, ordered by hierarchy, the most top-level group is applied as last)

The applied suffix has the following format:


Example of the resulting job: sast:policy-123456-0.

If multiple policies in on security policy project define the same job name, the numerical suffix corresponds to the index of the conflicting policy.

Example of the resulting jobs:

  • sast:policy-123456-0
  • sast:policy-123456-1

Job stage best practice

Jobs defined in a pipeline execution policy can use any stage defined in the project’s CI/CD configuration, also the reserved stages .pipeline-policy-pre and .pipeline-policy-post.

If your policy contains jobs only in the .pre and .post stages, the policy’s pipeline is evaluated as “empty” and so is not merged with the project’s pipeline. To use .pre and .post stages in a pipeline execution policy, you must include another job running in another stage which is available on the project, for example .pipeline-policy-pre.

When using the inject_ci pipeline strategy, if a target project does not contain its own .gitlab-ci.yml file, then the only stages available are the default pipeline stages and the reserved stages.

When enforcing pipeline execution policies over projects whose CI/CD configuration you do not control, you should define jobs in the .pipeline-policy-pre and .pipeline-policy-post stages. These stages are always available, regardless of any project’s CI/CD configuration.

content type

Field Type Required Description
project string true The full GitLab project path to a project on the same GitLab instance.
file string true A full file path relative to the root directory (/). The YAML files must have the .yml or .yaml extension.
ref string false The ref to retrieve the file from. Defaults to the HEAD of the project when not specified.

To run pipelines with injected CI/CD configuration, users must have access to the project with the CI/CD configuration.

Starting in GitLab 17.4, users can store the CI/CD configuration in a security policy project repository and grant pipeline execution access to the repository. Projects linked to the security policy project then have access to the repository as a source for security policies. You can configure this in the project’s general settings for security policy projects.

policy_scope scope type

Field Type Possible values Description
compliance_frameworks array   List of IDs of the compliance frameworks in scope of enforcement, in an array of objects with key id.
projects object including, excluding Use excluding: or including: then list the IDs of the projects you wish to include or exclude, in an array of objects with key id.
groups object including Use including: then list the IDs of the groups you wish to include, in an array of objects with key id.

For example:

Projects with a specific compliance framework:

    - id: 1020076

Only a specific set of projects:

      - id: 61213118
      - id: 59560885

All projects except one specific project:

      - id: 59560885

Pipeline strategies

Pipeline configuration strategy defines the method for merging the policy configuration with the project pipeline. Pipeline execution policies execute the jobs defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file in isolated pipelines, which are merged into the pipelines of the target projects.


This strategy adds custom CI/CD configurations into the existing project pipeline without completely replacing the project’s original CI/CD configuration. It is suitable when you want to enhance or extend the current pipeline with additional steps, such as adding new security scans, compliance checks, or custom scripts.

Having multiple policies enabled injects all jobs additively.

When using this strategy, a project CI/CD configuration cannot override any behavior defined in the policy pipelines because each pipeline has an isolated YAML configuration.

For projects without a .gitlab-ci.yml file, this strategy will create the .gitlab-ci.yml file implicitly. That is, a pipeline containing only the jobs defined in the pipeline execution policy is executed.


This strategy completely replaces the project’s existing CI/CD configuration with a new one defined by the pipeline execution policy. This strategy is ideal when the entire pipeline needs to be standardized or replaced, such as enforcing organization-wide CI/CD standards or compliance requirements.

The strategy takes precedence over other policies using the inject_ci strategy. If any policy with override_project_ci applies, the project CI configuration will be ignored. Other security policy configurations will not be overridden.

This strategy allows users to include the project CI/CD configuration in the pipeline execution policy configuration, enabling them to customize the policy jobs. For example, by combining policy and project CI/CD configuration into one YAML file, users can override before_script configuration.

When a pipeline execution policy uses workflow rules that prevent policy jobs from running, the project’s original CI/CD configuration remains in effect instead of being overridden. You can conditionally apply pipeline execution policies to control when the policy impacts the project’s CI/CD configuration. For example, if you set a workflow rule if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event", the project’s CI configuration is only overridden when the pipeline source is a merge request event.

Include a project’s CI/CD configuration in the pipeline execution policy configuration

When using override_project_ci strategy, the project configuration can be included into the pipeline execution policy configuration:

  - project: $CI_PROJECT_PATH
    ref: $CI_COMMIT_SHA
    file: $CI_CONFIG_PATH


CI/CD variables

Pipeline execution jobs are executed in isolation. Variables defined in another policy or in the project’s .gitlab-ci.yml file are not available in the pipeline execution policy and cannot be overwritten from the outside.

Variables can be shared with pipeline execution policies using group or project settings. If a variable is not defined in a pipeline execution policy, the value from group or project settings is applied. If the variable is defined in the pipeline execution policy, the group or project setting is overwritten. This behavior is independent from the pipeline execution policy strategy.

You can define project or group variables in the UI.


These examples demonstrate what you can achieve with pipeline execution policies.

Pipeline execution policy

You can use the following example in a .gitlab/security-policies/policy.yml file stored in a security policy project:

- name: My pipeline execution policy
  description: Enforces CI/CD jobs
  enabled: true
  pipeline_config_strategy: override_project_ci
    - project: verify-issue-469027/policy-ci
      file: policy-ci.yml
      ref: main # optional
      - id: 361

Customize enforced jobs based on project variables

You can customize enforced jobs, based on the presence of a project variable. In this example, the value of CS_IMAGE is defined in the policy as alpine:latest. However, if the project also defines the value of CS_IMAGE, that value is used instead. The CI/CD variable must be a predefined project variable, not defined in the project’s .gitlab-ci.yml file.

  CS_ANALYZER_IMAGE: "$CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST/security-products/container-scanning:7"
  CS_IMAGE: alpine:latest

  stage: .pipeline-policy-pre
    - if: $CS_IMAGE
    - when: always
    - echo "CS_IMAGE:$CS_IMAGE"

Customize security scanner’s behavior with before_script in project configurations

To customize the behavior of a security job enforced by a policy in the project’s .gitlab-ci.yml, you can override before_script. To do so, use the override_project_ci strategy in the policy and include the project’s CI/CD configuration. Example pipeline execution policy configuration:

# policy.yml
type: pipeline_execution_policy
name: Secret detection
description: >-
  This policy enforces secret detection and allows projects to override the
  behavior of the scanner.
enabled: true
pipeline_config_strategy: override_project_ci
    - project: gitlab-org/pipeline-execution-policies/compliance-project
      file: secret-detection.yml
# secret-detection.yml
  - project: $CI_PROJECT_PATH
    ref: $CI_COMMIT_SHA
    file: $CI_CONFIG_PATH
  - template: Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml

In the project’s .gitlab-ci.yml, you can define before_script for the scanner:

  - template: Jobs/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml

    - echo "Before secret detection"

By using override_project_ci and including the project’s configuration, it allows for YAML configurations to be merged.

Use group or project variables in a pipeline execution policy

You can use group or project variables in a pipeline execution policy.

With a project variable of PROJECT_VAR="I'm a project" the following pipeline execution policy job results in: I'm a project.

pipeline execution policy job:
    stage: .pipeline-policy-pre
    - echo "$PROJECT_VAR"

Enforce a variable’s value by using a pipeline execution policy

The value of a variable defined in a pipeline execution policy overrides the value of a group or policy variable with the same name. In this example, the project value of variable PROJECT_VAR is overwritten and the job results in: I'm a pipeline execution policy.

  PROJECT_VAR: "I'm a pipeline execution policy"

pipeline execution policy job:
    stage: .pipeline-policy-pre
    - echo "$PROJECT_VAR"

Example policy.yml with security policy scopes

In this example, the security policy’s policy_scope:

  • Includes any project with compliance frameworks with an ID of 9 applied to them.
  • Excludes projects with an ID of 456.
- name: Pipeline execution policy
  description: ''
  enabled: true
  pipeline_config_strategy: inject_ci
    - project: my-group/pipeline-execution-ci-project
      file: policy-ci.yml
    - id: 9
      - id: 456