Troubleshooting Dependency Scanning

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When working with dependency scanning, you might encounter the following issues.

Debug-level logging

Debug-level logging can help when troubleshooting. For details, see debug-level logging.

Working around missing support for certain languages or package managers

As noted in the “Supported languages” section some dependency definition files are not yet supported. However, Dependency Scanning can be achieved if the language, a package manager, or a third-party tool can convert the definition file into a supported format.

Generally, the approach is the following:

  1. Define a dedicated converter job in your .gitlab-ci.yml file. Use a suitable Docker image, script, or both to facilitate the conversion.
  2. Let that job upload the converted, supported file as an artifact.
  3. Add dependencies: [<your-converter-job>] to your dependency_scanning job to make use of the converted definitions files.

For example, Poetry projects that only have a pyproject.toml file can generate the poetry.lock file as follows.

  - template: Jobs/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml

  - test

  # Work around
    - pip install "poetry>=1,<2"  # Or via another method:
    - poetry update --lock # Generates the lock file to be analyzed.

Error response from daemon: error processing tar file: docker-tar: relocation error

This error occurs when the Docker version that runs the dependency scanning job is 19.03.0. Consider updating to Docker 19.03.1 or greater. Older versions are not affected. Read more in this issue.

Getting warning message gl-dependency-scanning-report.json: no matching files

For information on this, see the general Application Security troubleshooting section.

Error response from daemon: error processing tar file: docker-tar: relocation error

This error occurs when the Docker version that runs the dependency scanning job is 19.03.0. Consider updating to Docker 19.03.1 or greater. Older versions are not affected. Read more in this issue.

Dependency scanning jobs are running unexpectedly

The dependency scanning CI template uses the rules:exists syntax. This directive is limited to 10000 checks and always returns true after reaching this number. Because of this, and depending on the number of files in your repository, a dependency scanning job might be triggered even if the scanner doesn’t support your project. For more details about this limitation, see the rules:exists documentation.

Error: dependency_scanning is used for configuration only, and its script should not be executed

For information, see the GitLab Secure troubleshooting section.

Import multiple certificates for Java-based projects

The gemnasium-maven analyzer reads the contents of the ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE variable using keytool, which imports either a single certificate or a certificate chain. Multiple unrelated certificates are ignored and only the first one is imported by keytool.

To add multiple unrelated certificates to the analyzer, you can declare a before_script such as this in the definition of the gemnasium-maven-dependency_scanning job:

    - . $HOME/.bashrc # make the java tools available to the script
    - OIFS="$IFS"; IFS=""; echo $ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE > multi.pem; IFS="$OIFS" # write ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE variable to a PEM file
    - csplit -z --digits=2 --prefix=cert multi.pem "/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/+1" "{*}" # split the file into individual certificates
    - for i in `ls cert*`; do keytool -v -importcert -alias "custom-cert-$i" -file $i -trustcacerts -noprompt -storepass changeit -keystore /opt/asdf/installs/java/adoptopenjdk-11.0.7+10.1/lib/security/cacerts 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || true; done # import each certificate using keytool (note the keystore location is related to the Java version being used and should be changed accordingly for other versions)
    - unset ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE # unset the variable so that the analyzer doesn't duplicate the import

Dependency Scanning job fails with message strconv.ParseUint: parsing "0.0": invalid syntax

Docker-in-Docker is unsupported, and attempting to invoke it is the likely cause of this error.

To fix this error, disable Docker-in-Docker for dependency scanning. Individual <analyzer-name>-dependency_scanning jobs are created for each analyzer that runs in your CI/CD pipeline.

  - template: Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml


Message <file> does not exist in <commit SHA>

When the Location of a dependency in a file is shown, the path in the link goes to a specific Git SHA.

If the lock file that our dependency scanning tools reviewed was cached, however, selecting that link redirects you to the repository root, with the message: <file> does not exist in <commit SHA>.

The lock file is cached during the build phase and passed to the dependency scanning job before the scan occurs. Because the cache is downloaded before the analyzer run occurs, the existence of a lock file in the CI_BUILDS_DIR directory triggers the dependency scanning job.

To prevent this warning, lock files should be committed.

You no longer get the latest Docker image after setting DS_MAJOR_VERSION or DS_ANALYZER_IMAGE

If you have manually set DS_MAJOR_VERSION or DS_ANALYZER_IMAGE for specific reasons, and now must update your configuration to again get the latest patched versions of our analyzers, edit your .gitlab-ci.yml file and either:

  • Set your DS_MAJOR_VERSION to match the latest version as seen in our current Dependency Scanning template.
  • If you hardcoded the DS_ANALYZER_IMAGE variable directly, change it to match the latest line as found in our current Dependency Scanning template. The line number varies depending on which scanning job you edited.

    For example, the gemnasium-maven-dependency_scanning job pulls the latest gemnasium-maven Docker image because DS_ANALYZER_IMAGE is set to "$SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX/gemnasium-maven:$DS_MAJOR_VERSION".

Dependency Scanning of setuptools project fails with use_2to3 is invalid error

Support for 2to3 was removed in setuptools version v58.0.0. Dependency Scanning (running python 3.9) uses setuptools version 58.1.0+, which doesn’t support 2to3. Therefore, a setuptools dependency relying on lib2to3 fails with this message:

error in <dependency name> setup command: use_2to3 is invalid

To work around this error, downgrade the analyzer’s version of setuptools (for example, v57.5.0):

    - pip install setuptools==57.5.0

Dependency Scanning of projects using psycopg2 fails with pg_config executable not found error

Scanning a Python project that depends on psycopg2 can fail with this message:

Error: pg_config executable not found.

psycopg2 depends on the libpq-dev Debian package, which is not installed in the gemnasium-python Docker image. To work around this error, install the libpq-dev package in a before_script:

    - apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpq-dev

NoSuchOptionException when using poetry config http-basic with CI_JOB_TOKEN

This error can occur when the automatically generated CI_JOB_TOKEN starts with a hyphen (-). To avoid this error, follow Poetry’s configuration advice.

Error: Project has <number> unresolved dependencies

The error message Project has <number> unresolved dependencies indicates a dependency resolution problem caused by your or file. In GitLab 16.7 to 16.9, gemnasium-maven cannot continue processing when an unresolved dependency is encountered. Consult the Gradle dependency resolution documentation for details on how to fix your file. More details can be found in epic 12361 and issue 437278.

Setting build constraints when scanning Go projects

Dependency scanning runs in a linux/amd64 container. As a result, the build list generated for a Go project contains dependencies that are compatible with this environment. If your deployment environment is not linux/amd64, the final list of dependencies might contain additional incompatible modules. The dependency list might also omit modules that are only compatible with your deployment environment. To prevent this issue, you can configure the build process to target the operating system and architecture of the deployment environment by setting the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables of your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

For example:

  GOOS: "darwin"
  GOARCH: "arm64"

You can also supply build tag constraints by using the GOFLAGS variable:

  GOFLAGS: "-tags=test_feature"

Dependency Scanning of Go projects returns false positives

The go.sum file contains an entry of every module that was considered while generating the project’s build list. Multiple versions of a module are included in the go.sum file, but the MVS algorithm used by go build only selects one. As a result, when dependency scanning uses go.sum, it might report false positives.

To prevent false positives, Gemnasium only uses go.sum if it is unable to generate the build list for the Go project. If go.sum is selected, a warning occurs:

[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2022-09-14T20:59:38Z] ▶ Selecting "go.sum" parser for "/test-projects/gitlab-shell/go.sum". False positives may occur. See

Host key verification failed when trying to use ssh

After installing openssh-client on any gemnasium image, using ssh might lead to a Host key verification failed message. This can occur if you use ~ to represent the user directory during setup, due to setting $HOME to /tmp when building the image. This issue is described in Cloning project over SSH fails when using gemnasium-python image. openssh-client expects to find /root/.ssh/known_hosts but this path does not exist; /tmp/.ssh/known_hosts exists instead.

This has been resolved in gemnasium-python where openssh-client is pre-installed, but the issue could occur when installing openssh-client from scratch on other images. To resolve this, you may either:

  1. Use absolute paths (/root/.ssh/known_hosts instead of ~/.ssh/known_hosts) when setting up keys and hosts.
  2. Add UserKnownHostsFile to your ssh config specifying the relevant known_hosts files, for example: echo 'UserKnownHostsFile /tmp/.ssh/known_hosts' >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config.


This error occurs when the hash for a package in a requirements.txt file does not match the hash of the downloaded package. As a security measure, pip will assume that the package has been tampered with and will refuse to install it. To remediate this, ensure that the hash contained in the requirements file is correct. For requirement files generated by pip-compile, run pip-compile --generate-hashes to ensure that the hash is up to date. If using a Pipfile.lock generated by pipenv, run pipenv verify to verify that the lock file contains the latest package hashes.

ERROR: In --require-hashes mode, all requirements must have their versions pinned with ==

This error will occur if the requirements file was generated on a different platform than the one used by the GitLab Runner. Support for targeting other platforms is tracked in issue 416376.

Editable flags can cause dependency scanning for Python to hang

If you use the -e/--editable flag in the requirements.txt file to target the current directory, you might encounter an issue that causes the Gemnasium Python dependency scanner to hang when it runs pip3 download. This command is required to build the target project.

To resolve this issue, don’t use the -e/--editable flag when you run dependency scanning for Python.

Handling out of memory errors with SBT

If you encounter out of memory errors with SBT while using dependency scanning on a Scala project, you can address this by setting the SBT_CLI_OPTS environment variable. An example configuration is:

  SBT_CLI_OPTS: "-J-Xmx8192m -J-Xms4192m -J-Xss2M"

If you’re using the Kubernetes executor, you may need to override the default Kubernetes resource settings. Refer to the Kubernetes executor documentation for details on how to adjust container resources to prevent memory issues.

No package-lock.json file in NPM projects

By default, the Dependency Scanning job runs only when there is a package-lock.json file in the repository. However, some NPM projects generate the package-lock.json file during the build process, instead of storing them in the Git repository.

To scan dependencies in these projects:

  1. Generate the package-lock.json file in a build job.
  2. Store the generated file as an artifact.
  3. Modify the Dependency Scanning job to use the artifact and adjust its rules.

For example, your configuration might look like this:

  - template: Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml

    - npm i
      - package-lock.json  # Store the generated package-lock.json as an artifact

  needs: ["build"]
      when: never
    - if: "$DS_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS =~ /gemnasium([^-]|$)/"
      when: never
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $GITLAB_FEATURES =~ /\bdependency_scanning\b/ && $CI_GITLAB_FIPS_MODE == "true"
        DS_IMAGE_SUFFIX: "-fips"
        DS_REMEDIATE: 'false'
    - if: "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $GITLAB_FEATURES =~ /\\bdependency_scanning\\b/"