
Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering: Self-managed

The Toolbox Pod is used to execute periodic housekeeping tasks within the GitLab application. These tasks include backups, Sidekiq maintenance, and Rake tasks.


The following configuration settings are the default settings provided by the Toolbox chart:

  ## doc/charts/gitlab/toolbox
    enabled: true
    replicas: 1
        enabled: false
        concurrencyPolicy: Replace
        failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1
        schedule: "0 1 * * *"
        successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3
        suspend: false
        backoffLimit: 6
        safeToEvict: false
        restartPolicy: "OnFailure"
            cpu: 50m
            memory: 350M
          enabled: false
          accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
          useGenericEphemeralVolume: false
          size: 10Gi
        backend: s3
        config: {}
      enabled: false
      accessMode: 'ReadWriteOnce'
      size: '10Gi'
        cpu: '50m'
        memory: '350M'
      fsGroup: '1000'
      runAsUser: '1000'
      runAsGroup: '1000'
      runAsUser: '1000'
    affinity: {}
Parameter Description Default
affinity Affinity rules for pod assignment {}
annotations Annotations to add to the Toolbox Pods and Jobs {}
common.labels Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart. {}
antiAffinityLabels.matchLabels Labels for setting anti-affinity options  
backups.cron.activeDeadlineSeconds Backup CronJob active deadline seconds (if null, no active deadline is applied) null
backups.cron.ttlSecondsAfterFinished Backup CronJob job time to live after finished (if null, no time to live is applied) null
backups.cron.safeToEvict Autoscaling safe-to-evict annotation false
backups.cron.backoffLimit Backup CronJob backoff limit 6
backups.cron.concurrencyPolicy Kubernetes Job concurrency policy Replace
backups.cron.enabled Backup CronJob enabled flag false
backups.cron.extraArgs String of arguments to pass to the backup utility  
backups.cron.failedJobsHistoryLimit Number of failed backup jobs list in history 1
backups.cron.persistence.accessMode Backup cron persistence access mode ReadWriteOnce
backups.cron.persistence.enabled Backup cron enable persistence flag false
backups.cron.persistence.matchExpressions Label-expression matches to bind  
backups.cron.persistence.matchLabels Label-value matches to bind  
backups.cron.persistence.useGenericEphemeralVolume Use a generic ephemeral volume false
backups.cron.persistence.size Backup cron persistence volume size 10Gi
backups.cron.persistence.storageClass StorageClass name for provisioning  
backups.cron.persistence.subPath Backup cron persistence volume mount path  
backups.cron.persistence.volumeName Existing persistent volume name  
backups.cron.resources.requests.cpu Backup cron minimum needed CPU 50m
backups.cron.resources.requests.memory Backup cron minimum needed memory 350M
backups.cron.restartPolicy Backup cron restart policy (Never or OnFailure) OnFailure
backups.cron.schedule Cron style schedule string 0 1 * * *
backups.cron.startingDeadlineSeconds Backup cron job starting deadline, in seconds (if null, no starting deadline is applied) null
backups.cron.successfulJobsHistoryLimit Number of successful backup jobs list in history 3
backups.cron.suspend Backup cron job is suspended false
backups.cron.timeZone Time zone for the backup schedule. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation. Uses the cluster time zone if not specified. ””
backups.cron.tolerations Tolerations to add to the backup cron job ””
backups.cron.nodeSelector Backup cron job node selection ””
backups.objectStorage.backend Object storage provider to use (s3, gcs or azure) s3
backups.objectStorage.config.gcpProject GCP Project to use when backend is gcs ””
backups.objectStorage.config.key Key containing credentials in secret ””
backups.objectStorage.config.secret Object storage credentials secret ””
common.labels Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart. {}
deployment.strategy Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment { type: Recreate }
enabled Toolbox enablement flag true
extra YAML block for extra gitlab.yml configuration {}
image.pullPolicy Toolbox image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Toolbox image pull secrets  
image.repository Toolbox image repository
image.tag Toolbox image tag master
init.image.repository Toolbox init image repository  
init.image.tag Toolbox init image tag  
init.resources Toolbox init container resource requirements { requests: { cpu: 50m }}
init.containerSecurityContext initContainer container specific securityContext {}
nodeSelector Toolbox and backup job node selection  
persistence.accessMode Toolbox persistence access mode ReadWriteOnce
persistence.enabled Toolbox enable persistence flag false
persistence.matchExpressions Label-expression matches to bind  
persistence.matchLabels Label-value matches to bind  
persistence.size Toolbox persistence volume size 10Gi
persistence.storageClass StorageClass name for provisioning  
persistence.subPath Toolbox persistence volume mount path  
persistence.volumeName Existing PersistentVolume name  
podLabels Labels for running Toolbox Pods {}
priorityClassName Priority class assigned to pods.  
replicas Number of Toolbox Pods to run 1
resources.requests Toolbox minimum requested resources { cpu: 50m, memory: 350M
securityContext.fsGroup File System Group ID under which the pod should be started 1000
securityContext.runAsUser User ID under which the pod should be started 1000
securityContext.runAsGroup Group ID under which the pod should be started 1000
securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy Policy for changing ownership and permission of the volume (requires Kubernetes 1.23)  
containerSecurityContext Override container securityContext under which the container is started  
containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Allow to overwrite the specific security context under which the container is started 1000
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Indicates whether or not the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods false
serviceAccount.enabled Indicates whether or not to use a ServiceAccount false
serviceAccount.create Indicates whether or not a ServiceAccount should be created false Name of the ServiceAccount. If not set, the full chart name is used  
tolerations Tolerations to add to the Toolbox  
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose  

Configuring backups

Information concerning configuring backups in the backup and restore documentation. Additional information about the technical implementation of how the backups are performed can be found in the backup and restore architecture documentation.]

Persistence configuration

The persistent stores for backups and restorations are configured separately. Please review the following considerations when configuring GitLab for backup and restore operations.

Backups use the backups.cron.persistence.* properties and restorations use the persistence.* properties. Further descriptions concerning the configuration of a persistence store will use just the final property key (e.g. .enabled or .size) and the appropriate prefix will need to be added.

The persistence stores are disabled by default, thus .enabled needs to be set to true for a backup or restoration of any appreciable size. In addition, either .storageClass needs to be specified for a PersistentVolume to be created by Kubernetes or a PersistentVolume needs to be manually created. If .storageClass is specified as ‘-‘, then the PersistentVolume will be created using the default StorageClass as specified in the Kubernetes cluster.

If the PersistentVolume is created manually, then the volume can be specified using the .volumeName property or by using the selector .matchLables / .matchExpressions properties.

In most cases the default value of .accessMode will provide adequate controls for only Toolbox accessing the PersistentVolumes. Please consult the documentation for the CSI driver installed in the Kubernetes cluster to ensure that the setting is correct.

Backup considerations

A backup operation needs an amount of disk space to hold the individual components that are being backed up before they are written to the backup object store. The amount of disk space depends on the following factors:

  • Number of projects and the amount of data stored under each project
  • Size of the PostgresSQL database (issues, MRs, etc.)
  • Size of each object store backend

Once the rough size has been determined, the backups.cron.persistence.size property can be set so that backups can commence.

Restore considerations

During the restoration of a backup, the backup needs to be extracted to disk before the files are replaced on the running instance. The size of this restoration disk space is controlled by the persistence.size property. Be mindful that as the size of the GitLab installation grows the size of the restoration disk space also needs to grow accordingly. In most cases the size of the restoration disk space should be the same size as the backup disk space.

Toolbox included tools

The Toolbox container contains useful GitLab tools such as Rails console, Rake tasks, etc. These commands allow one to check the status of the database migrations, execute Rake tasks for administrative tasks, interact with the Rails console:

# locate the Toolbox pod
kubectl get pods -lapp=toolbox

# Launch a shell inside the pod
kubectl exec -it <Toolbox pod name> -- bash

# open Rails console
gitlab-rails console -e production

# execute a Rake task
gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info


For more information, see affinity.