SCSS style guide

Utility Classes

In order to reduce the generation of more CSS as our site grows, prefer the use of utility classes over adding new CSS. In complex cases, CSS can be addressed by adding component classes.

Where are CSS utility classes defined?

Utility classes are generated by Tailwind CSS. Use Tailwind CSS autocomplete or the official Tailwind CSS documentation to see available CSS utility classes.

There are also legacy CSS utility classes defined in config/helpers/tailwind/css_in_js.js. These CSS utility classes do not comply with Tailwind CSS naming conventions and will be iteratively migrated to the Tailwind CSS equivalent. Please do not add new instances of these CSS utility classes, instead use the Tailwind CSS equivalent.

Classes in utilities.scss and common.scss are being deprecated. Classes in common.scss that use non-design-system values should be avoided. Use classes with conforming values instead.

Avoid Bootstrap’s Utility Classes.

While migrating Bootstrap’s Utility Classes to the GitLab UI utility classes, note both the classes for margin and padding differ. The size scale used at GitLab differs from the scale used in the Bootstrap library. For a Bootstrap padding or margin utility, you may need to double the size of the applied utility to achieve the same visual result (such as ml-1 becoming gl-ml-2).

Tailwind CSS

We are in the process of migrating our CSS utility class setup to Tailwind CSS. See the Tailwind CSS blueprint for motivation, proposal, and implementation details.

Tailwind CSS basics

Below are some Tailwind CSS basics and information about how it has been configured to use the Pajamas design system. For a more in-depth guide see the official Tailwind CSS documentation.


We have configured Tailwind CSS to use a prefix so all utility classes are prefixed with gl-. When using responsive utilities or state modifiers the prefix goes after the colon.

Examples: gl-mt-5, lg:gl-mt-5.

Responsive CSS utility classes

Responsive CSS utility classes are prefixed with the breakpoint name, followed by the : character. The available breakpoints are configured in tailwind.defaults.js#L44

Example: lg:gl-mt-5

Hover, focus, and other state modifiers

State modifiers can be used to conditionally apply any Tailwind CSS class. Prefix the CSS utility class with the name of the modifier, followed by the : character.

Example: hover:gl-underline

!important modifier

You can use the important modifier by adding ! to the beginning of the CSS utility class. When using in conjunction with responsive utility classes or state modifiers the ! goes after the : character.

Examples: !gl-mt-5, lg:!gl-mt-5, hover:!gl-underline

Spacing and sizing CSS utility classes

Spacing and sizing CSS utility classes (e.g. margin, padding, width, height) use our spacing scale defined in Color CSS utility classes (e.g. color and background-color) use colors defined in src/tokens/build/tailwind/tokens.cjs. They will use the naming conventions documented in the official Tailwind CSS documentation but the color names will not match. When using the Tailwind CSS autocomplete our configured colors will be shown.

Example: gl-mt-5 will be margin-top: 1rem;

Color CSS utility classes

Color CSS utility classes (e.g. color and background-color) use colors defined in src/tokens/build/tailwind/tokens.cjs. They will use the naming conventions documented in the official Tailwind CSS documentation but the color names will not match. When using the Tailwind CSS autocomplete our configured colors will be shown.

Example: gl-text-red-500 will be color: var(--red-500, #dd2b0e);

Building the Tailwind CSS bundle

When using Vite or Webpack with the GitLab Development Kit, Tailwind CSS watches for file changes to build detected utilities on the fly.

To build a fresh Tailwind CSS bundle, run yarn tailwindcss:build. This is the script that gets called internally when building production assets with bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:compile.

However the bundle gets built, the output is saved to app/assets/builds/tailwind.css.

Tailwind CSS autocomplete

Tailwind CSS autocomplete will list all available classes in your code editor. Keep in mind it will also list legacy CSS utilities. Unfortunately we don’t have a way to mark the legacy CSS utility classes in the autocomplete so try to cross reference with the official Tailwind CSS documentation if you are unsure.

VS Code

Install the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension. For best results and HAML and custom *-class prop support these are the recommended settings:

  "tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
    ["class: [\"|']+([^\"|']*)[\"|']+", "([a-zA-Z0-9\\-:!/]+)"],
    ["(\\.[\\w\\-.]+)[\\n\\=\\{\\s]", "([\\w\\-]+)"],
  "tailwindCSS.emmetCompletions": true,
  "editor.inlineSuggest.enabled": true,
  "editor.quickSuggestions": {
    "strings": true
  "css.validate": false

Tailwind CSS autocomplete is enabled by default. For full HAML and custom *-class prop support these are the recommended updates to the default settings:

  "includeLanguages": {
    "haml": "html"
  "emmetCompletions": true,
  "experimental": {
    "classRegex": [
      ["class: [\"|']+([^\"|']*)[\"|']+", "([a-zA-Z0-9\\-:!/]+)"],
      ["(\\.[\\w\\-.]+)[\\n\\=\\{\\s]", "([\\w\\-]+)"],

Official Tailwind CSS documentation

GitLab defines its own Tailwind CSS config in tailwind.defaults.js to match the Pajamas design system and to prefix CSS utility classes with gl-. This means that in the official Tailwind CSS documentation the spacing, sizing, and color CSS utility classes may not match. Also, the gl- prefix will not be shown. Here is our spacing scale and colors. In the future we plan to utilize Tailwind config viewer to have a Tailwind CSS documentation site specific to GitLab.

Where should you put new utility classes?

Utility classes are generated by Tailwind CSS which supports most CSS features. If there is something that is not available we should update tailwind.defaults.js in GitLab UI.

When should you create component classes?

We recommend a “utility-first” approach.

  1. Start with utility classes.
  2. If composing utility classes into a component class removes code duplication and encapsulates a clear responsibility, do it.

This encourages an organic growth of component classes and prevents the creation of one-off non-reusable classes. Also, the kind of classes that emerge from “utility-first” tend to be design-centered (for example, .button, .alert, .card) rather than domain-centered (for example, .security-report-widget, .commit-header-icon).


Utility mixins

We are currently in the process of migrating to Tailwind. The migration removes utility mixins so please do not add any new usages of utility mixins. Instead, you can use the @apply directive to add Tailwind styles to a CSS selector. @apply should be used for any CSS properties that are dependent on our design system (e.g. margin, padding). For CSS properties that are unit-less (e.g display: flex) it is okay to use CSS properties directly.

// Bad
.my-class {
  @include gl-mt-3;

// Bad
.my-class {
  margin-top: 0.5rem;

// Okay
.my-class {
  display: flex;

// Good
.my-class {
  @apply gl-mt-5 gl-flex;


Filenames should use snake_case.

CSS classes should use the lowercase-hyphenated format rather than snake_case or camelCase.

// Bad
.class_name {
  color: #fff;

// Bad
.className {
  color: #fff;

// Good
.class-name {
  color: #fff;

Avoid making compound class names with SCSS & features. It makes searching for usages harder, and provides limited benefit.

// Bad
.class {
  &-name {
    color: orange;

// Good
.class-name {
  color: #fff;

Class names should be used instead of tag name selectors. Using tag name selectors is discouraged because they can affect unintended elements in the hierarchy.

// Bad
ul {
  color: #fff;

// Good
.class-name {
  color: #fff;

// Best
// prefer an existing utility class over adding existing styles

Class names are also preferable to IDs. Rules that use IDs are not-reusable, as there can only be one affected element on the page.

// Bad
#my-element {
  padding: 0;

// Good
.my-element {
  padding: 0;


Avoid unnecessary nesting. The extra specificity of a wrapper component makes things harder to override.

// Bad
.component-container {
  .component-header {
    /* ... */

  .component-body {
    /* ... */

// Good
.component-container {
  /* ... */

.component-header {
  /* ... */

.component-body {
  /* ... */

Selectors with a js- Prefix

Do not use any selector prefixed with js- for styling purposes. These selectors are intended for use only with JavaScript to allow for removal or renaming without breaking styling.

Using extend at-rule

Usage of the extend at-rule is prohibited due to memory leaks and the rule doesn’t work as it should.


We use stylelint to check for style guide conformity. It uses the ruleset in .stylelintrc and rules from our SCSS configuration. .stylelintrc is located in the home directory of the project.

To check if any warnings are produced by your changes, run yarn lint:stylelint in the GitLab directory. Stylelint also runs in GitLab CI/CD to catch any warnings.

If the Rake task is throwing warnings you don’t understand, SCSS Lint’s documentation includes a full list of their rules.