Deprecation terms


  • Required before ending support for a feature or removing a feature.
  • Feature not recommended for use.
  • Development restricted to Priority 1 / Severity 1 bug fixes.
  • Will be removed in a future major release.
  • Begins after a deprecation announcement outlining an end-of-support or removal date.
  • Ends after the end-of-support date or removal date has passed.

End of Support

  • Optional step before removal.
  • Feature usage strongly discouraged.
  • No support or fixes provided.
  • No longer tested internally.
  • Will be removed in a future major release.
  • Begins after an end-of-support date has passed.

Announcing an End of Support period should only be used in special circumstances and is not recommended for general use. Most features should be deprecated and then removed.


  • Feature usage impossible.
  • Feature no longer supported (if End of Support period hasn’t already been announced).
  • Happens in a major release in line with our semantic versioning policy.
  • Begins after removal date has passed.

Breaking change

A “breaking change” is any change that requires users to make a corresponding change to their code, settings, or workflow. “Users” might be humans, API clients, or even code classes that “use” another class. Examples of breaking changes include:

  • Removing a user-facing feature without a replacement/workaround.
  • Changing the definition of an existing API (by doing things like re-naming query parameters or changing routes).
  • Removing a public method from a code class.

A breaking change can be considered major if it affects many users, or represents a significant change in behavior.